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<view class="recharge">
<view class="recharge-header font-28 theme-color flex justify-end m-b-30" >
<view @click="detail">
<text class="m-r-10">充值明细</text>
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#01AEEA" size="28"></u-icon>
<view class="recharge-container flex align-center flex-wrap justify-between">
class="recharge-container-item flex flex-column align-center justify-between m-b-20"
:class="{ 'recharge-container-item--active': item === current }"
v-for="item in 6"
<view class="m-b-10">
<text class="font-16 recharge-container-item-txt m-r-20">充</text>
<text class="font-26 recharge-container-item-txt">10</text>
<view class="m-b-10">
<text class="font-16 recharge-container-item-txt m-r-10">得</text>
<text class="font-50 recharge-container-item-txt">20</text>
<text class="font-18 recharge-container-item-txt m-b-10 text-center">(500消费金+100兑购金)</text>
<text class="font-16 text-red text-center">活动结束时间: 2022/05/28 12:00</text>
<view class="recharge-tips">
<view class="font-32 text-black font-weight-bold m-b-20">充值说明</view>
<view class="font-26 text-black">1、1个消费金等于1元,1个兑购金等于1元;消费金可用于 全场购物(特价除外),兑购金可用于兑购商城里购物!</view>
<view class="recharge-welfare position-relative">
<view class="position-absolute recharge-welfare-circular flex align-center">
<view class="recharge-welfare-circular-item flex align-center justify-center" v-for="(item, index) in textList" :key="index">
{{ item }}
v-for="(item, index) in itemList"
{{ item.body }}
export default {
data() {
return {
current: null,
textList: ['充', '值', '福', '利'],
itemList: [
head: '普通用户',
body: '只要我们正确择取一个合适的参照物乃至稍降一格去看待他人,值得赏识的东西便会扑面而来',
open: true,
disabled: true
head: '次卡会员',
body: '学会欣赏,实际是一种积极生活的态度,是生活的调味品,会在欣赏中发现生活的美',
open: true,
disabled: true
head: '银卡会员',
body: '但是据说雕刻大卫像所用的这块大理石,曾被多位雕刻家批评得一无是处,有些人认为这块大理石采凿得不好,有些人嫌它的纹路不够美',
open: true,
disabled: true
methods: {
handleClick(index) {
this.current = index;
detail () {
url: '/pages/home/rechargeDetail'
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border: 6rpx solid #f6cb86;
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border-radius: 20rpx;
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