You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
4.9 KiB

<view class="content">
<view class="screen-swiper-box">
<swiper :current="index" @change="swiperChange" class="screen-swiper" indicator-dots :circular="circular"
:autoplay="autoplay" :interval="interval" duration="500" :style="[whStyle]">
<swiper-item v-for="(item, i) in list" :key="i" :id="i">
<video v-if="item[typeName] == videoValue" :id="'myVideo-'+i" class="myVideo" :src="item[linkName]"
:controls="false" objectFit="cover" :enable-progress-gesture="false" show-loading
:play-btn-position="center" :show-fullscreen-btn="false" :style="[whStyle]"
<image v-if="item[typeName] == imgvalue" class="swiperImage" :src="item[linkName]" mode="aspectFill"
:style="[whStyle]" @click="swiperClick(item,i)">
<view class="screen-swiper-bar flex align-center">
{{ index + 1 }} / {{ list.length }}
* @property {Array} list 图片/视频列表
* @property {String | Number} width 显示视频/图片的宽度
* @property {String | Number} height 显示视频/图片的高度
* @property {String} linkName url字段字段
* @property {String} typeName 判断视频或者图片的字段
* @property {String} videoValue 判断视频的值
* @property {String} imgvalue 判断图片的值
* @property {Boolean} autoplay swiper是否自动切换
* @property {Boolean} circular swiper是否采用衔接滑动,即播放到末尾后重新回到开头
* @property {Boolean} autoPlayVideo swiper切换到视频是是否自动播放视频
* @property {Boolean} interval swiper自动切换时间间隔
* @event {Function} swiperClick 点击swiper时触发
* @event {Function} swiperChange swiper切换时触发
export default {
props: {
// 图片/视频列表
list: {
type: Array,
required: true,
default: () => {
return []
// 用于显示视频/图片的宽度
width: {
type: String,
default: '750rpx'
// 用于显示视频/图片的高度
height: {
type: String,
default: '260rpx'
// 用与判断视频或者图片的字段
typeName: {
type: String,
default: 'type'
// 用于判断视频的值
videoValue: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 'video'
// 用于判断图片的值
imgvalue: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 'img'
// url字段
linkName: {
type: String,
default: 'link'
// swiper是否自动切换
autoplay: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// swiper是否采用衔接滑动,即播放到末尾后重新回到开头
circular: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// swiper切换到视频是是否自动播放视频
autoPlayVideo: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// swiper自动切换时间间隔
interval: {
type: Number,
default: 3500
data() {
return {
index: 0, // 当前页
videoCtx: ''
mounted() {
// 如果为true且第一个是视频的话就自动播放
if (this.autoPlayVideo) {
this.videoCtx = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo-' + 0, this)
methods: {
swiperChange(e) {
// 获取上一个
let obj = this.list[this.index]
if (obj[this.typeName] == this.videoValue) {
// console.log('暂停', this.index)
this.videoCtx = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo-' + this.index, this)
// 获取当前
this.index = e.detail.current // 更新当前index
obj = this.list[this.index]
if (obj[this.typeName] == this.videoValue && this.autoPlayVideo) {
// console.log('播放', this.index)
this.videoCtx = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo-' + this.index, this)
this.$emit('swiperChange', this.index)
// 暂停播放
pause() {
let obj = this.list[this.index]
if (obj[this.typeName] == this.videoValue) {
this.videoCtx = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo-' + this.index, this)
// 播放
play() {
let obj = this.list[this.index]
if (obj[this.typeName] == this.videoValue) {
this.videoCtx = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo-' + this.index, this)
// 点击当前视频或图片的回调
swiperClick(item, i) {
this.$emit('swiperClick', item, i)
computed: {
// 设置width和height属性
whStyle() {
let style = {}
style.width = this.width
style.height = this.height
return style
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.content {
.screen-swiper-box {
position: relative;
.screen-swiper {
.swiperImage {}
.myVideo {}
.screen-swiper-bar {
position: absolute;
bottom: 24rpx;
right: 24rpx;
min-width: 80rpx;
padding: 4rpx 20rpx;
z-index: 1;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
border-radius: 22rpx;
color: #fff;
font-size: 24rpx;