You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import Vue from 'vue'
import api from '@/api/api.js'
import utils from './utils/utils.js'
import uvUI from '@/uni_modules/uv-ui-tools'
// 当前环境
const type = 'prod'
// 环境配置
const config = {
dev : {
baseUrl : 'http://h5.xzaiyp.top/api',
prod : {
baseUrl : 'https://admin.hhlm1688.com/api',
// 默认配置
const defaultConfig = {
mapKey : 'JYTBZ-DOY3Q-UCM5O-4FWQR-LCI7S-ZIBD3',//已修改
aliOss: {
url: 'https://image.hhlm1688.com/',
config: {
region: 'oss-cn-guangzhou',
accessKeyId: 'LTAI5tQSs47izVy8DLVdwUU9',
accessKeySecret: 'qHI7C3PaXYZySr84HTToviC71AYlFq',
bucket: 'hanhaiimage',
endpoint: 'oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com',
// 修改$uv.config对象的属性
config: {
// 修改默认单位为rpx,相当于执行 uni.$uv.config.unit = 'rpx'
unit: 'rpx'
Vue.prototype.$config = utils.deepMergeObject(defaultConfig, config[type])
Vue.prototype.$api = api
export default Vue.prototype.$config