You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

560 lines
10 KiB

<!-- 水洗店 -->
<view class="">
<!-- <view class="controls">
<view class="title">
<image src="../static/order/icon.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tips">
<view class="btns">
<view class="btn1">
<view class="btn2">
</view> -->
<view class="steps">
:current="stepsCurrent" dot>
<uv-steps-item :title="item"
v-for="(item, index) in steps"></uv-steps-item>
<!-- 酒店和水洗店 -->
<view class="info">
<view class="flex"
style="display: flex;">
<view style="width: 8rpx;height: 30rpx;
background: #FD5100;border-radius: 6rpx;" />
<view class="head-title">服务项目</view>
<view class="flex"
v-for="(good, index) in order.cityOrderSkuList">
<view class="server-item">
<view class="img-box">
<image :src="good.image" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="server-info">
<view class="server-title">
<!-- <view class="coupon">领券立减</view> -->
<view class="current-price"
价格<text class="unit">¥</text>{{good.price}}
<view class="current-price"
<view class="time-coupon">
<!-- <view class="flex">
<image src="@/static/home/time-icon.png"></image>
<view class="time">{{order.useTime}}分钟</view>
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="sales-volume">
<image src="@/static/icons/icon1.png"></image>
<view class="desc">已售出{{msgShop.payNum}}+单</view>
</view> -->
<view class="line address">
<view class="address-top">
<view class="">
<view class="copy">
<image @click="$utils.copyText(order.addressName + item.addressDetails + ' ' + order.addressPhone + ' ' + order.addressCity)" src="/static/order/copy.png"></image>
<view class="addressDetail">
<view class="">{{order.addressName}} {{order.addressPhone}}</view>
<view class="">{{order.addressCity + item.addressDetails}}</view>
<view class="line">
<view class="t min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="current-price"
v-if="order.type == 0">
{{ order.points }}积分
<view class="current-price"
v-if="order.type == 1">
¥{{ order.price }}元
<view class="min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="current-price"
{{ order.peiMoney }}元
<view class="min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="">
¥{{ ['积分兑换', '微信支付'][order.type] }}
<!-- 订单信息 -->
<view class="line">
<view class="t min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="">
<view class="min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="">
<!-- 下单须知 -->
<view class="line">
<view class="t min_tips">
<view class="">
<view class="min_tips" style="line-height: 40rpx;">
<view class="btns">
<view @click="clickService" class="btn">
export default {
computed : {
data() {
return {
stepsCurrent : 0,
steps : [
// msgShop : {
// money : 99.99,
// image : 'https://img95.699pic.com/photo/50058/1378.jpg_wh860.jpg',
// projectExplain : '1.xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx。2.xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx。3.。',
// },
// order : {
// money : 99.99,
// address : '广东省广州市越秀区城南故事C3栋2802',
// name : '李**',
// phone : '150*****091',
// unit : '120*40*75【桌子尺寸】',
// state_dictText : '已完成',
// price : 199.99,
// id : '020644568964457',
// createTime : '2024-01-18 15:39',
// projectName : '桌布租赁'
// },
order : {},
id : 0,
onLoad(args) {
this.id = args.id
onShow() {
methods: {
this.$api('getOrderDetail', {
orderId : this.id
}, res => {
if(res.code == 200){
this.order = res.result
this.stepsCurrent= res.result.state
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