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<!-- 邀请积分 -->
<view class="page">
<navbar title="邀请积分" bgColor="#3796F8" leftClick color="#fff" @leftClick="$utils.navigateBack" />
<view class="TopBlock">
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<view class="TopBlock-top">
<image src="../static/mine/characteristic.png" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="TopBlock-balance">100</view>
<view class="TopBlock-button">
<view class="card">
<view class="card-box">
<view class="card-top">获取正式积分</view>
<view style="background-color: #EDEDED; height: 1rpx;" />
<view class="card-cell">
<!-- 自定义左侧标题 -->
<template #title>
<text style="font-size: 12px;">邀请好友赚积分</text>
<!-- 自定义左侧标题下面的内容 -->
<template #label>
<view style="font-size: 20rpx;color: #999999; padding: 10rpx 0;">
<!-- 自定义右侧值 -->
<template #value>
<text style="font-size: 24rpx; color: #4280FD;">去邀请</text>
<!-- 自定义左侧图标 -->
<template #icon>
<uv-icon size="50" name="../static/mine/notepad.png" />
<!-- 自定义右侧图标 -->
<template #right-icon>
<uv-icon color="#4280FD" size="30rpx" name="arrow-right"></uv-icon>
<view class="card">
<view class="card-box">
<view class="card-top">招工找活</view>
<view style="background-color: #EDEDED; height: 1rpx;" />
<view class="card-cell">
<!-- 自定义左侧标题 -->
<template #title>
<text style="font-size: 12px;">我要找工作</text>
<!-- 自定义左侧标题下面的内容 -->
<template #label>
<view style="font-size: 20rpx;color: #999999; padding: 10rpx 0;">
<!-- 自定义右侧值 -->
<template #value>
<text style="font-size: 24rpx; color: #4280FD;">去找活</text>
<!-- 自定义左侧图标 -->
<template #icon>
<uv-icon size="50" name="../static/mine/notepad.png" />
<!-- 自定义右侧图标 -->
<template #right-icon>
<uv-icon color="#4280FD" size="30rpx" name="arrow-right"></uv-icon>
<view class="service">如有疑问请联系客服<text>4008-678-918</text></view>
export default {
data() {
return {
methods: {
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view {
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image {
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view {
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padding: 20rpx 0;
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margin-top: 20rpx;
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