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  1. import Vue from 'vue'
  2. import Vuex from 'vuex'
  3. Vue.use(Vuex); //vue的插件机制
  4. import api from '@/api/api.js'
  5. //Vuex.Store 构造器选项
  6. const store = new Vuex.Store({
  7. state: {
  8. configList: [], //配置列表
  9. // 角色 true为老板 false为工人
  10. role : true,
  11. userInfo : {}, //用户信息
  12. banner : [],//轮播图
  13. jobTypeList : [],//工种
  14. natureList : [],//工作性质
  15. addressList : [],//开放地址
  16. },
  17. getters: {
  18. },
  19. mutations: {
  20. // 初始化配置
  21. initConfig(state){
  22. // api('getConfig', res => {
  23. // if(res.code == 200){
  24. // state.configList = res.result
  25. // }
  26. // })
  27. let config = ['getPrivacyPolicy', 'getUserAgreement']
  28. config.forEach(k => {
  29. api(k, res => {
  30. if (res.code == 200) {
  31. state.configList[k] = res.result
  32. }
  33. })
  34. })
  35. },
  36. login(state){
  37. uni.showLoading({
  38. title: '登录中...'
  39. })
  40. uni.login({
  41. success(res) {
  42. if(res.errMsg != "login:ok"){
  43. return
  44. }
  45. api('wxLogin', {
  46. code : res.code
  47. }, res => {
  48. uni.hideLoading()
  49. if(res.code != 200){
  50. return
  51. }
  52. state.userInfo = res.result.userInfo
  53. uni.setStorageSync('token', res.result.token)
  54. if(!state.userInfo.nickName || !state.userInfo.headImage
  55. || !state.userInfo.phone){
  56. uni.navigateTo({
  57. url: '/pages_order/auth/wxUserInfo'
  58. })
  59. }else{
  60. uni.navigateBack(-1)
  61. }
  62. })
  63. }
  64. })
  65. },
  66. getUserInfo(state){
  67. api('getInfo', res => {
  68. if(res.code == 200){
  69. state.userInfo = res.result
  70. if(!state.userInfo.nickName || !state.userInfo.headImage
  71. || !state.userInfo.phone){
  72. uni.navigateTo({
  73. url: '/pages_order/auth/wxUserInfo'
  74. })
  75. }
  76. }
  77. })
  78. },
  79. // 获取工种列表
  80. getJobTypeList(state){
  81. api('commonQueryJobTypeList', {
  82. pageNo : 1,
  83. pageSize : 99999,
  84. }, res => {
  85. if(res.code != 200){
  86. return
  87. }
  88. state.jobTypeList = res.result.records
  89. })
  90. },
  91. // 获取开放地址
  92. getAddressList(state){
  93. api('commonQueryAddressList', {
  94. pageNo : 1,
  95. pageSize : 99999,
  96. }, res => {
  97. if(res.code != 200){
  98. return
  99. }
  100. state.addressList = res.result.records
  101. })
  102. },
  103. // 获取轮播图
  104. getBanner(state){
  105. api('commonQueryBannerList', {
  106. pageNo : 1,
  107. pageSize : 99999,
  108. }, res => {
  109. if(res.code != 200){
  110. return
  111. }
  112. state.banner = res.result.records
  113. })
  114. },
  115. // 获取工作性质列表
  116. getNatureList(state){
  117. api('commonQueryJobNatureList', {
  118. pageNo : 1,
  119. pageSize : 99999,
  120. }, res => {
  121. if(res.code != 200){
  122. return
  123. }
  124. state.natureList = res.result.records
  125. })
  126. },
  127. logout(state){
  128. uni.showModal({
  129. title: '确认退出登录吗',
  130. success(r) {
  131. if(r.confirm){
  132. state.userInfo = {}
  133. state.role = false
  134. uni.removeStorageSync('token')
  135. uni.redirectTo({
  136. url: '/pages/index/index'
  137. })
  138. }
  139. }
  140. })
  141. },
  142. setRole(state, role){
  143. state.role = role
  144. },
  145. },
  146. actions: {},
  147. })
  148. export default store