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378 lines
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<view class="index">
<view class="top">
<view class="content">
<image class="content-img" :src="shopInfo.image" mode="aspectFill"/>
<view class="content-left">
<u-row style="margin: 10rpx;">
<u-col><text style="font-size: 32rpx;">{{ shopInfo.title }}</text></u-col>
<u-row justify="space-between" style="margin: 20rpx; font-size: 24rpx;">
<u-col span="6">
<view style="width: 200rpx;">
{{ shopInfo.classValue }}
<u-col span="6">
<view style="width: 200rpx;">
{{ shopInfo.num }}人购买
<!-- <u-row justify="space-between" style="margin: 10rpx; font-size: 30rpx;">
<u-col span="4" style="text-decoration:line-through">
<view style="color: #ddd;font-size: 28rpx;text-decoration:line-through;">
{{ shopInfo.oldPrice }}
<u-col span="4">
<view style="color: #ff7800;font-size: 45rpx;">
{{ shopInfo.price }}
</u-row> -->
<!-- <u-row justify="space-between" style="margin: 10rpx; font-size: 30rpx;">
<u-col span="4" style="margin-top: 30rpx;">
<view class="icon">
<u-number-box style="margin: 0 auto;"
v-model="registerForm.num" :min="1">
<view slot="minus" class="minus">
<u-icon name="minus" size="12" color="#fff"></u-icon>
<template v-slot:input>
<input type="text"
style="color: #fff;
text-align: center;
<view slot="plus" class="plus">
<u-icon name="plus" color="#FFFFFF" size="12"></u-icon>
</u-row> -->
<view class="cell">
<view class="cell-box">
{{ shopInfo.titleText }}
<view class="ceil-input">
<view class="">
<view class="">
<u-number-box v-model="registerForm.num"></u-number-box>
<view class="price">
<view class="">
价格:¥{{ shopInfo.price }}
<view class="oldPrice">
原价:¥{{ shopInfo.oldPrice }}
<view class="book">
<view class="book-text">
<view style="padding-top: 20rpx;font-size: 30rpx;">资源介绍</view>
<uv-parse :content="shopInfo.content"></uv-parse>
<view class="bottom-flex">
<button open-type="contact"
<view class="icon">
<u-icon name="server-man" size="50rpx"></u-icon>
<view class="button">
<view class="button-right">
<view @click="createPayOrder">
立即购买 (<text>¥{{ shopInfo.price * registerForm.num }}</text>)
import PrivacyAgreementPoup from '@/components/PrivacyAgreementPoup/PrivacyAgreementPoup'
export default {
components : {
data() {
return {
registerForm: {
num: 1
shopInfo: {}, //商品信息
onLoad() {
methods: {
getShopInfo() {
this.$api('getPayShopOne', res => {
this.shopInfo = res.result
createPayOrder() {
this.registerForm.shopId = this.shopInfo.id
this.$api('createPayOrder', this.registerForm, res => {
this.registerForm.num = 1
if(res.code == 200){
provider: 'wxpay', // 服务提提供商
timeStamp: res.result.timeStamp, // 时间戳
nonceStr: res.result.nonceStr, // 随机字符串
package: res.result.packageValue,
signType: res.result.signType, // 签名算法
paySign: res.result.paySign, // 签名
success: function (res) {
url: '/pages/center/center'
fail: function (err) {
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// 步进器
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