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  1. <template>
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  5. <view>协议与隐私政策</view>
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  7. <view class="content_pri">
  8. <view class="text">
  9. 欢迎来到家乐美统计系统!我们根据最新的法律法规监管政策要求更新了用户协议隐私政策,请您认真阅读
  10. </view>
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  17. 同意<text @click="goToPrivacy">家乐美统计系统隐私政策</text>
  18. </view>
  19. <view class="">
  20. 以及<text @click="goToPrivacy">用户协议</text>
  21. </view>
  22. </view>
  23. </uv-checkbox-group>
  24. </view>
  25. <view class="pri_btn">
  26. <!-- <button class="confuse_btn" @click="confusePrivacy">拒绝</button> -->
  27. <button class="confirm_btn" id="agree-btn" open-type="agreePrivacyAuthorization"
  28. @agreeprivacyauthorization="handleAgreePrivacyAuthorization">同意</button>
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  49. this.init()
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  58. init(resolve) {
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  62. // 打开隐私协议
  63. goToPrivacy() {
  64. wx.openPrivacyContract({
  65. success: () => {
  66. console.log('打开成功');
  67. }, // 打开成功
  68. fail: () => {
  69. uni.showToast({
  70. title: '打开失败,稍后重试',
  71. icon: 'none'
  72. })
  73. } // 打开失败
  74. })
  75. },
  76. // 拒绝
  77. confusePrivacy() {
  78. this.$refs.popup.close()
  79. // this.resolvePrivacyAuthorization({
  80. // event: 'disagree'
  81. // })
  82. },
  83. // 同意
  84. handleAgreePrivacyAuthorization() {
  85. // 告知平台用户已经同意,参数传同意按钮的id
  86. // this.resolvePrivacyAuthorization({
  87. // buttonId: 'agree-btn',
  88. // event: 'agree'
  89. // })
  90. this.$refs.popup.close()
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