You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
2.3 KiB

import http from './http.js'
import utils from '../utils/utils.js'
const config = {
// 示例
// wxLogin : {url : '/api/wxLogin', method : 'POST',
// auth : false, showLoading : true, loadingTitle : '加载中...',
// limit : 1000
// },
getConfig : {url : '/applet_index/commonConfig', method : 'GET', limit : 500},
// 微信登录接口
wxLogin: {
url: '/login_common/appletLogin',
method: 'GET',
limit : 500,
showLoading : true,
// 获取个人信息接口
getInfo: {
url: '/info_common/getInfo',
method: 'GET',
limit : 500,
showLoading : true,
// 修改个人信息接口
updateInfo: {
url: '/info_common/updateInfo',
method: 'POST',
auth: true,
limit : 500,
showLoading : true,
problemList: {
url: '/applet_index/problemList',
method: 'GET',
articleList: {
url: '/applet_index/articleList',
method: 'GET',
bannerList: {
url: '/applet_index/bannerList',
method: 'GET',
submitLog: {
url: '/applet_post/submitLog',
method: 'POST',
limit : 1000,
showLoading : true,
auth: true,
submit: {
url: '/applet_post/submit',
method: 'POST',
limit : 1000,
showLoading : true,
auth: true,
queryMyLog: {
url: '/applet_post/queryMyLog',
method: 'GET',
auth: true,
showLoading : true,
export function api(key, data, callback, loadingTitle){
let req = config[key]
if (!req) {
console.error('无效key' + key);
if(typeof callback == 'string'){
loadingTitle = callback
if(typeof data == 'function'){
callback = data
data = {}
// 接口限流
let storageKey = 'limit:' + req.url
let storage = uni.getStorageSync(storageKey)
if(storage && new Date().getTime() - parseInt(storage) < req.limit){
uni.setStorageSync(storageKey, new Date().getTime())
if (req.auth) {
if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) {
http.http(req.url, data, callback, req.method,
loadingTitle || req.showLoading, loadingTitle || req.loadingTitle)
export default api