chenkun 3 months ago
8 changed files with 883 additions and 605 deletions
  1. +7
  2. +9
  3. +2
  4. +4
  5. +38
  6. +287
  7. +2
  8. +534

+ 7
- 0
api/api.js View File

@ -161,6 +161,13 @@ const config = {
method: 'GET',
limit: 500,
// 获取banner列表
bannerList: {
url: '/index/bannerList',
method: 'POST',
limit: 500,

+ 9
- 4
components/base/topbar.vue View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
import {mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default {
props: {
showRight: {
@ -22,14 +24,17 @@ export default {
type: String,
mounted() {
console.log(this.$store.state, "this.$store.state")
data() {
return {
computed: {
methods: {
switchIdentity() {

+ 2
- 1
package.json View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"ali-oss": "^6.21.0",
"dayjs": "^1.11.12"
"dayjs": "^1.11.12",
"echarts": "^5.5.1"

+ 4
- 5
pages/index/clearanceService.vue View File

@ -6,15 +6,14 @@
<view class="content">
<view class="bigImg">
<img src="../../static/image/clearanceService.png" alt="" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;">
<view class="smallImg">
<img src="../../static/image/1.png" alt="" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;">
<!--<view class="smallImg">-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;换成后端后删除对应的图片&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <img src="../../static/image/1.png" alt="" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;">-->
<view class="ljsq">
<span @click="applyClearanceService" class="text">
{{ $t('components.applyNow') }}&nbsp;&nbsp;>>

+ 38
- 13
pages/index/index.vue View File

@ -10,7 +10,12 @@
<view class="topItem">
<view class="imageFrame">
<img src="../../static/image/index/4.png" style="width:100%;height:100%;">
<!--<img src="../../static/image/index/4.png" style="width:100%;height:100%;">-->
<!-- 下面三个-->
@ -20,7 +25,7 @@
<view class="left">
<!--<span>Company Profile</span>-->
<span> {{ $t('pages.index.index.companyProfile') }}</span>
<span class="subText"> {{ $t('other.aluminumProducts') }}</span>
<span class="subText"> {{ $t('pages.index.index.aluminiumProduct') }}</span>
<view class="right">
@ -30,10 +35,21 @@
<!-- 第二个-->
<view class="twoItem">
<view class="left">
<img src="../../static/image/index/2.png" style="width:100%;height:100%;">
<!--<img src="../../static/image/index/2.png" style="width:100%;height:100%;">-->
<view class="right">
<img src="../../static/image/index/3.png" style="width:100%;height:100%;">
<!--<img src="../../static/image/index/3.png" style="width:100%;height:100%;">-->
@ -115,15 +131,13 @@
import topbar from '@/components/base/topbar.vue'
import tabber from '@/components/base/tabbar.vue'
import productList from '@/components/user/productList.vue'
import {
} from 'vuex'
import changeLanguage from '@/components/base/changeLanguage.vue'
export default {
import topbar from '@/components/base/topbar.vue'
import tabber from '@/components/base/tabbar.vue'
import productList from '@/components/user/productList.vue'
import {mapGetters} from 'vuex'
import changeLanguage from '@/components/base/changeLanguage.vue'
export default {
components: {
@ -137,6 +151,7 @@
pageSize: 10,
title: ''
bannerList: []
@ -147,11 +162,19 @@
computed: {
methods: {
getBannerList() {
this.$api('bannerList', res => {
this.bannerList = res.result
goToPage(titleIndex) {
url: '/pages_order/order/offerOrBillLading?titleIndex=' + titleIndex
@ -223,6 +246,7 @@
font-size: 26rpx;
.subText {
text-align: center;
width: 80%;
background-color: #2e394d;
padding: 0 20rpx;
@ -279,6 +303,7 @@
font-size: 26rpx;
.subText {
text-align: center;
background-color: #2e394d;
width: 80%;
padding: 0 20rpx;

+ 287
- 164
pages/index/tradingPlatform.vue View File

@ -1,181 +1,304 @@
<view class="trading-platform">
<view class="trading-platform">
<topbar showRight="0"></topbar>
<topbar showRight="0"></topbar>
<view class="frame">
<view class="frame">
<view class="chart">
<div ref="chartContainer" class="chart" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;">
<!-- 供应商 -->
<view class="supplier" v-if="userShop">
<view style="" class="purchaser-title">
<span class="active"> {{ $t('other.orderList') }}</span>
<!-- 供应商 -->
<view v-if="userShop" class="supplier">
<view class="supplierList">
<orderList :list="list" />
<view class="purchaser-title" style="">
<span class="active"> {{ $t('other.orderList') }}</span>
<!-- 采购商 -->
<view class="purchaser" v-else>
<view class="supplierList">
<orderList :list="list"/>
<!-- 采购商 -->
<view v-else class="purchaser">
<view style="" class="purchaser-title">
<span @click="actionIndexChange(index)" v-for="(item, index) in type" :class="actionIndex == index ? 'active' : 'noactive'">{{ }}</span>
<view class="productList">
<productList :list="list" />
<tabber select="1" />
<view class="purchaser-title" style="">
<span v-for="(item, index) in type" :class="actionIndex == index ? 'active' : 'noactive'"
@click="actionIndexChange(index)">{{ }}</span>
<view class="productList">
<productList :list="list"/>
<tabber select="1"/>
import tabber from '@/components/base/tabbar.vue'
import topbar from "@/components/base/topbar.vue";
import {
} from 'vuex'
import ProductList from "@/components/user/productList.vue";
import OrderList from "@/pages_order/components/order/orderList.vue";
import mixinList from '@/mixins/list.js'
export default {
mixins : [mixinList],
components: {
computed: {
data() {
return {
actionIndex: 0,
mixinsListApi : 'getMyProductlist',
type : [
name : this.$t('other.spotTrading')
name : this.$t('other.futuresTrading')
onLoad() {
// /
this.mixinsListApi = 'productList'
this.mixinsListApi = 'productlist'
this.queryParams.productType = this.actionIndex
methods: {
// tab
actionIndexChange(index) {
// index0index1
this.actionIndex = index;
this.queryParams.productType = this.actionIndex
import tabber from '@/components/base/tabbar.vue'
import topbar from "@/components/base/topbar.vue";
import {mapGetters} from 'vuex'
import ProductList from "@/components/user/productList.vue";
import OrderList from "@/pages_order/components/order/orderList.vue";
import mixinList from '@/mixins/list.js'
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
export default {
mixins: [mixinList],
components: {
computed: {
data() {
return {
actionIndex: 0,
mixinsListApi: 'getMyProductlist',
type: [
name: this.$t('other.spotTrading')
name: this.$t('other.futuresTrading')
chartData: [
// {date: "08/16", value: 10},
// {date: "08/17", value: 15},
// {date: "08/18", value: 45},
// {date: "08/19", value: 20},
// {date: "08/20", value: 18},
// {date: "08/21", value: 10},
// {date: "08/22", value: 15},
// {date: "08/23", value: 25},
// {date: "08/24", value: 35},
// {date: "08/25", value: 30},
// {date: "08/26", value: 25},
// {date: "08/27", value: 25},
unit: '元/吨',
onLoad() {
if (this.userShop) {
// /
this.mixinsListApi = 'productList'
} else {
this.mixinsListApi = 'productlist'
this.queryParams.productType = this.actionIndex
mounted() {
// this.getAlPrice()
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.initChart();
// })
onShow() {
methods: {
getAlPrice() {
this.$api('getAlPrice', res => {
this.unit = res.result.unit
this.chartData =
initChart(data) {
var that = this;
const chartContainer = this.$refs.chartContainer;
if (!chartContainer) {
console.error("Chart container not found");
const myChart = echarts.init(chartContainer);
const dates = =>;
const values = => item.value);
// ECharts
const option = {
backgroundColor: '#1B263B',
title: {
text: `${'铝均价' + data[0].value}`,
right: '10%',
top: '10%',
textStyle: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 14
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
formatter: '{c0}',
backgroundColor: '#3A506B',
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
grid: {
left: '10%',
right: '10%',
bottom: '20%'
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: dates,
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#fff'
axisLabel: {
color: '#fff'
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#fff'
axisLabel: {
color: '#fff',
formatter: function (value) {
return value;
series: [{
name: '长江',
type: 'line',
data: values,
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 8,
itemStyle: {
color: '#4ECDC4'
lineStyle: {
color: '#4ECDC4',
width: 2
areaStyle: {
color: 'rgba(78, 205, 196, 0.2)'
// tab
actionIndexChange(index) {
// index0index1
this.actionIndex = index;
this.queryParams.productType = this.actionIndex
<style scoped lang="scss">
.trading-platform {
background-image: url('../../static/image/index/1.png');
.frame {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
height: calc(100vh - 120rpx - 120rpx);
.chart {
height: 30%;
.supplier {
height: 70%;
padding: 20rpx 20rpx;
background-image: url('../../static/image/index/1.png');
color: #FFF;
font-size: 32rpx;
.supplierList {
margin-top: 20rpx;
height: 92%;
overflow: auto;
.purchaser-title {
height: 8%;
.active {
text-decoration: underline;
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.noactive {
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.purchaser {
height: 60%;
padding: 20rpx 0;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 32rpx;
.purchaser-title {
.active {
text-decoration: underline;
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.noactive {
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.productList {
margin-top: 20rpx;
height: 60vh;
overflow: auto;
.trading-platform {
background-image: url('../../static/image/index/1.png');
.frame {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
height: calc(100vh - 120rpx - 120rpx);
.chart {
height: 300px !important;
background-color: #1B263B; /* 背景颜色 */
.supplier {
height: 70%;
padding: 20rpx 20rpx;
background-image: url('../../static/image/index/1.png');
color: #FFF;
font-size: 32rpx;
.supplierList {
margin-top: 20rpx;
height: 92%;
overflow: auto;
.purchaser-title {
height: 8%;
.active {
text-decoration: underline;
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.noactive {
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.purchaser {
height: 60%;
padding: 20rpx 0;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 32rpx;
.purchaser-title {
.active {
text-decoration: underline;
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.noactive {
width: 80rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.productList {
margin-top: 20rpx;
height: 60vh;
overflow: auto;

+ 2
- 0
pages_order/components/address/addressList.vue View File

@ -86,12 +86,14 @@ export default {
total : 0,
methods: {
getAddressList() {
return new Promise((success, fail) => {
this.$api('addressList', this.queryParams, res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
console.log("res.result.records", res.result.records)
this.addressList = res.result.records || []; = || 0;
this.addressList.forEach(n => { //

+ 534
- 418
pages_order/order/offerOrBillLading.vue View File

@ -1,438 +1,554 @@
<view class="page">
<view class="page">
<navbar :title="titleList[titleIndex]" leftClick @leftClick="$utils.navigateBack" />
<navbar :title="titleList[titleIndex]" leftClick @leftClick="$utils.navigateBack"/>
<view class="frame">
<view class="title">
<view class="frame">
<view class="title">
style="width: 10rpx;height: 40rpx;background-color: #1f1c39;border-radius: 10rpx;overflow: hidden;"></span>
<span>{{ $t('other.aluminumProducts') }}</span>
<view class="basic-info">
<view class="item" v-if="titleIndex == 1">
<view>{{ $t('other.supplierName') }}</view>
<view class="item">
<view>{{ $t('components.productSpe') }}</view>
<view class="currentRegion">
<view>{{ $t('components.pickupLocation') }}</view>
<view @click.stop="selectAddr">
<input class="input" disabled v-model="form.currentRegion"
:placeholder=" $t('components.selectRegion')">
<view class="orientation">
<img src="../../static/image/address/selectIcon.png"
style="width:30rpx;height: 30rpx;margin:5rpx 5rpx 5rpx 5rpx;">
<view class="item">
<view>{{ $t('components.detailedAddress') }}</view>
<input v-model="form.address" :placeholder="$t('components.enterDetailedAddress') "
<view class="delivery-date">
<view>{{ $t('components.deliveryDate') }}</view>
<view class="value">
<view class="dateTimeCls">
<view class="date" @click="startDateOpen">
{{ form.deliveryDate }}
<uv-datetime-picker ref="startDateRef" v-model="form.deliveryDate" mode="date"
<view class="img">
<view class="tentativeQuantity">
<view class="key">{{ $t('other.tentativeQuantity') }}</view>
<view class="value">
<uv-number-box v-model="form.tentativeQuantity"></uv-number-box>
<view class="item">
<view>{{ $t('components.unitPrice') }}</view>
<input clearable v-model="form.price"></input>
<view class="btns">
style="width: 10rpx;height: 40rpx;background-color: #1f1c39;border-radius: 10rpx;overflow: hidden;"></span>
<span>{{ $t('other.aluminumProducts') }}</span>
<view class="basic-info">
<view v-if="titleIndex == 1" class="item">
<view>{{ $t('other.supplierName') }}</view>
<view class="item">
<view>{{ $t('components.productSpe') }}</view>
<view class="addressA" @click="openAddress">
<view class="title">{{ $t('components.shippingAddress') }}</view>
<view class="address" style="width: 70%">
<image mode="" src="/static/image/address/selectIcon.png"></image>
<view class="">
{{ }}
<view class="">
{{ address.addressDetail }}
<view class="icon">
<uv-icon name="arrow-right" size="30rpx"></uv-icon>
<!--<view class="currentRegion">-->
<!-- <view>{{ $t('components.pickupLocation') }}</view>-->
<!-- <view @click.stop="selectAddr">-->
<!-- <input class="input" disabled v-model="form.currentRegion"-->
<!-- :placeholder=" $t('components.selectRegion')">-->
<!-- </input>-->
<!-- <view class="orientation">-->
<!-- <img src="../../static/image/address/selectIcon.png"-->
<!-- style="width:30rpx;height: 30rpx;margin:5rpx 5rpx 5rpx 5rpx;">-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!--<view class="item">-->
<!-- <view>{{ $t('components.detailedAddress') }}</view>-->
<!-- <view>-->
<!-- <input v-model="form.address" :placeholder="$t('components.enterDetailedAddress') "-->
<!-- clearable></input>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<view class="delivery-date">
<view>{{ $t('components.deliveryDate') }}</view>
<view class="value">
<view class="dateTimeCls">
<view class="date" @click="startDateOpen">
{{ form.transactionTime }}
<uv-datetime-picker ref="startDateRef" v-model="form.transactionTime" mode="date"
<view class="img">
<view class="tentativeQuantity">
<view class="key">{{ $t('other.tentativeQuantity') }}</view>
<view class="value">
<uv-number-box v-model="form.num"></uv-number-box>
<view class="item">
<view>{{ $t('components.unitPrice') }}</view>
<input v-model="form.price" clearable></input>
<view class="btns">
<span @click="confirmBtn" class="ljxd">
{{ titleIndex == 0 ? $t('other.submitQuotation') : $t('other.submitReview') }}
<span @click="contactUs" class="lxwm">
<span class="lxwm" @click="contactUs">
{{ $t('components.contactUs') }}
<span class="tip">{{ $t('components.contactTip') }}</span>
<span class="tip">{{ $t('components.contactTip') }}</span>
<!-- 联系客服弹框 -->
<customerServicePopup ref="customerServicePopup" />
<!-- 联系客服弹框 -->
<customerServicePopup ref="customerServicePopup"/>
<!-- 地址选择弹框 -->
<uv-popup ref="addressPopup" :round="30">
<addressList ref="addressList" height="60vh" @select="selectAddress"/>
import topbar from "@/components/base/topbar.vue";
import tabber from "@/components/base/tabbar.vue";
import customerServicePopup from "@/components/config/customerServicePopup.vue";
import Position from "@/utils/position";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
export default {
name: "offer",
components: {
onLoad(options) {
this.titleIndex = options.titleIndex;
data() {
return {
titleIndex: 0,
titleList: [
// 0
form: {
address: "",
longitude: "",
latitude: "",
deliveryDate: dayjs(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
methods: {
// /
confirmBtn() {
startDateChange(val) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.form.deliveryDate = dayjs(val.value).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
startDateOpen() {
contactUs() {
selectAddr() {
Position.getLocation(res => {
Position.selectAddress(res.longitude, res.latitude, success => {
Position.getLocationDetail(res => {
this.form.address = res
import topbar from "@/components/base/topbar.vue";
import tabber from "@/components/base/tabbar.vue";
import customerServicePopup from "@/components/config/customerServicePopup.vue";
import Position from "@/utils/position";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
import AddressList from "@/pages_order/components/address/addressList.vue";
export default {
name: "offer",
components: {
onLoad(options) {
this.titleIndex = options.titleIndex;
data() {
return {
titleIndex: 0,
titleList: [
// 0
form: {
"addressId": "",
"num": 0,
"price": 0,
"transactionTime": ""
address: {
name: '请选择地址',
addressDetail: '',
addressTotal: 0,
onShow() {
methods: {
getAddressListA() {
// /
confirmBtn() {
this.form.addressId =
this.$api('addProduct', this.form, res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
title: '提交成功',
icon: 'none'
setTimeout(() => {
url: '/pages/index/index'
}, 1500)
openAddress() {
// if (this.addressTotal == 0) {
// this.$refs.popup.close()
// return uni.navigateTo({
// url: '/pages_order/mine/address?type=back'
// })
// }
// this.getAddressList()
selectAddress(e) {
this.address = e
startDateChange(val) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.form.transactionTime = dayjs(val.value).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
startDateOpen() {
contactUs() {
selectAddr() {
Position.getLocation(res => {
Position.selectAddress(res.longitude, res.latitude, success => {
Position.getLocationDetail(res => {
this.form.address = res
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.basic-info {
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padding: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
.delivery-date {
display: flex;
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padding: 10rpx 0 0 20rpx;
.key {
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border-radius: 40rpx;
.tip {
display: flex;
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justify-content: center;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #999;
//width: 500rpx;
.item {
display: flex;
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background-color: #FFF;
height: 80rpx;
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>view:nth-of-type(1) {
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// font-weight: 700;
>view:nth-of-type(2) {
width: 70%;
border-radius: 10rpx;
overflow: hidden;
input {
background-color: #FFF;
font-size: 28rpx;
padding: 16rpx 8rpx 16rpx 15rpx;
.performanceBond {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
background-color: #FFF;
height: 80rpx;
// margin: 10rpx 0 0 0;
padding: 10rpx 0 0 20rpx;
.key {
width: 30%;
// font-weight: 700;
.value {
width: 70%;
border-radius: 10rpx;
overflow: hidden;
input {
background-color: #FFF;
font-size: 28rpx;
padding: 16rpx 8rpx 16rpx 15rpx;
.currentRegion {
display: flex;
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padding: 16rpx 8rpx 16rpx 15rpx;
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align-items: center;
background-color: #FFF;
height: 80rpx;
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