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<view class="head-box"></view>
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<image class="image-box" :src="imageArr[0]" mode=""></image>
<view class="msg-box">
<view class="msg-box-title">{{activityDetails.title}}</view>
<view class="msg-box-time">开始时间{{activityDetails.startTime}}</view>
<view class="msg-box-address">
<view class="msg-box-address-text">活动地址{{activityDetails.address}}</view>
<view class="address-icon">
<image src="@/static/image/home/address-icon-2.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="lingdui-box">
<image class="use-img" src="@/static/image/center/3.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="lingdui-msg">
<view class="lingdui-msg-name">
<view class="name-tip">主理人</view>
<uv-rate :count="count" v-model="value" size="23" activeColor="#FFA200"></uv-rate>
<view class="add-wx">添加微信</view>
<view class="lv-miaoshu">
<view class="title-box">活动描述</view>
<view class="value-box">
<view class="uv-content lv-msg-box">
<uv-parse :content="activityDetails.details"></uv-parse>
<!-- <view class="value-box">
<view class="lv-msg-box">
</view> -->
<view class="title-box">注意事项</view>
<view class="value-box">
<view class="lv-msg-box">
{{ activityDetails.precautions}}
<view class="bottom-box">
<view class="price-box">
<view class="peice-val"><text>¥</text>{{activityDetails.price}}</view>
<view class="caozuo-box">
<view class="caozuo-item border-r">
<image src="@/static/image/home/shoucang-icon.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="caozuo-item">
<image src="@/static/image/home/zhuanfa-icon.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="btn-box" @click="toBaoming">立即报名</view>
<!-- <view class="btn-box end-btn">已结束</view> -->
<uv-popup ref="popup" mode="bottom" bgColor="">
<view class="popup-cont">
<view class="popup-title">
<uv-icon name="close" color="#fff" @click="$refs.popup.close();"></uv-icon>
<view class="popup-list">
<view class="list-item" v-for="(item,i) in typeList" :key="i" @click="chooseClick(item,i)">
<view class="item-l" :class="chooseIndex == i ? 'chooose-class' : ''">
<view class="item-l-val">¥{{item.price}}</view>
<uv-icon name="checkmark" color="#FF5858" v-if="chooseIndex == i"></uv-icon>
<view class="confirm-box">
<uv-button @click="confirmClick" text="确定" color="#381615" shape="circle" :customStyle="btnCustomStyle"></uv-button>
export default{
data() {
return {
imageArr() {
return this.activityDetails.image.split(',')
onPageScroll(e) {
if(e.scrollTop > 50) {
this.bgColor = '#49070c'
this.bgColor = 'transparent'
onLoad({activityId}) {
activityInfo(activityId) {
this.$api('activityInfo',{activityId},res=> {
if(res.code==200) {
this.activityDetails = res.result
toBaoming() {
chooseClick(item,i) {
this.chooseIndex = i
confirmClick() {
if(res.code === 200) {
.then(res => {
title: '下单成功',
icon: 'none'
}).catch(n => {
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