You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
3.2 KiB

<view class="cart">
<view class="head-box"></view>
<uv-navbar title="我的订单" bgColor="transparent" leftIconSize="0px" height="100rpx"></uv-navbar>
<view class="content">
<uv-tabs :scrollable="false" @click="tabs" :list="tabList" lineWidth="40" :lineColor="`url(${lineBg}) 100% 100%`"
color: '#FD5C5C',
fontWeight: 'bold',
transform: 'scale(1.05)'
}" :inactiveStyle="{
color: '#999',
transform: 'scale(1)'
}" itemStyle="padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; height: 44px;"></uv-tabs>
<cardList :cardListData="cardListData" />
<tabber select="cart" />
import tabber from '@/components/base/tabbar.vue'
import cardList from '@/components/cart/cardList.vue'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
tabList: [{
id: 0,
name: '全部'
id: 1,
name: '待参加'
id: 2,
name: '已完成'
id: 3,
name: '已取消'
lineBg: require('@/static/image/cart/tabIcon.png'),
cardListData: [
imgUrl: 'https://up.zhuoku.org/22/a4/60/50/fc3bd0b4e656911fccdde4383637c1cd.jpg',
orderTime: '2024.08.23 12:00',
state: 'U',
stateText: '待参加',
title: '夏日去撒野旅游计划~',
time: '2024.10.28 10:00',
address: '成都市东丽湖露营地32号',
totalPrice: '298.00',
btnObj: [{
id: '0',
btnTitle: '取消活动',
color: '#AFAFAF',
bgColor: '#34312E'
id: '1',
btnTitle: '活动签到',
color: '#FF4546',
bgColor: '#492623'
imgUrl: 'https://up.zhuoku.org/22/a4/60/50/fc3bd0b4e656911fccdde4383637c1cd.jpg',
orderTime: '2024.08.23 12:00',
state: 'S',
stateText: '已完成',
title: '夏日去撒野旅游计划~',
time: '2024.10.28 10:00',
address: '成都市东丽湖露营地32号',
totalPrice: '298.00',
btnObj: [{
id: '2',
btnTitle: '活动评价',
color: '#FF4546',
bgColor: '#492623'
id: '3',
btnTitle: '开具发票',
color: '#FFB245',
bgColor: '#49361D'
imgUrl: 'https://up.zhuoku.org/22/a4/60/50/fc3bd0b4e656911fccdde4383637c1cd.jpg',
orderTime: '2024.08.23 12:00',
state: 'F',
stateText: '已完成',
title: '夏日去撒野旅游计划~',
time: '2024.10.28 10:00',
address: '成都市东丽湖露营地32号',
totalPrice: '298.00',
btnObj: []
methods: {
tabs(val) {
<style lang="scss">
page {
background-color: #060504;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.cart {
.head-box {
background: url('@/static/image/nav-bg.png') no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
width: 100%;
height: 534rpx;
position: absolute;
/deep/.uv-navbar__content__title {
color: #fff;
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position: absolute;
width: 100%;
color: #fff;
padding-top: calc(var(--status-bar-height) + 100rpx);