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348 lines
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<!-- 在微信小程序 app vue端 h5 使用wxs 实现-->
<!-- #ifdef APP-VUE || MP-WEIXIN || H5 -->
<view class="uni-swipe">
<!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || VUE3 -->
<view class="uni-swipe_box" :change:prop="wxsswipe.showWatch" :prop="is_show" :data-threshold="threshold"
:data-disabled="disabled" @touchstart="wxsswipe.touchstart" @touchmove="wxsswipe.touchmove"
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifndef MP-WEIXIN || VUE3 -->
<view class="uni-swipe_box" :change:prop="renderswipe.showWatch" :prop="is_show" :data-threshold="threshold"
:data-disabled="disabled+''" @touchstart="renderswipe.touchstart" @touchmove="renderswipe.touchmove"
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- 在微信小程序 app vue端 h5 使用wxs 实现-->
<view class="uni-swipe_button-group button-group--left">
<slot name="left">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftOptions" :key="index" :style="{
backgroundColor: item.style && item.style.backgroundColor ? item.style.backgroundColor : '#C7C6CD'
}" class="uni-swipe_button button-hock" @touchstart.stop="appTouchStart"
@touchend.stop="appTouchEnd($event,index,item,'left')" @click.stop="onClickForPC(index,item,'left')">
<text class="uni-swipe_button-text"
:style="{color: item.style && item.style.color ? item.style.color : '#FFFFFF',fontSize: item.style && item.style.fontSize ? item.style.fontSize : '16px'}">{{ item.text }}</text>
<view class="uni-swipe_text--center">
<view class="uni-swipe_button-group button-group--right">
<slot name="right">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightOptions" :key="index" :style="{
backgroundColor: item.style && item.style.backgroundColor ? item.style.backgroundColor : '#C7C6CD'
}" class="uni-swipe_button button-hock" @touchstart.stop="appTouchStart"
@touchend.stop="appTouchEnd($event,index,item,'right')" @click.stop="onClickForPC(index,item,'right')"><text
:style="{color: item.style && item.style.color ? item.style.color : '#FFFFFF',fontSize: item.style && item.style.fontSize ? item.style.fontSize : '16px'}">{{ item.text }}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- app nvue端 使用 bindingx -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE -->
<view ref="selector-box--hock" class="uni-swipe" @horizontalpan="touchstart" @touchend="touchend">
<view ref='selector-left-button--hock' class="uni-swipe_button-group button-group--left">
<slot name="left">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftOptions" :key="index" :style="{
backgroundColor: item.style && item.style.backgroundColor ? item.style.backgroundColor : '#C7C6CD'
}" class="uni-swipe_button button-hock" @click.stop="onClick(index,item,'left')">
<text class="uni-swipe_button-text"
:style="{color: item.style && item.style.color ? item.style.color : '#FFFFFF', fontSize: item.style && item.style.fontSize ? item.style.fontSize : '16px'}">
{{ item.text }}
<view ref='selector-right-button--hock' class="uni-swipe_button-group button-group--right">
<slot name="right">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightOptions" :key="index" :style="{
backgroundColor: item.style && item.style.backgroundColor ? item.style.backgroundColor : '#C7C6CD'
}" class="uni-swipe_button button-hock" @click.stop="onClick(index,item,'right')"><text
:style="{color: item.style && item.style.color ? item.style.color : '#FFFFFF',fontSize: item.style && item.style.fontSize ? item.style.fontSize : '16px'}">{{ item.text }}</text>
<view ref='selector-content--hock' class="uni-swipe_box">
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- 其他平台使用 js ,长列表性能可能会有影响-->
<!-- #ifdef MP-ALIPAY || MP-BAIDU || MP-TOUTIAO || MP-QQ -->
<view class="uni-swipe">
<view class="uni-swipe_box" @touchstart="touchstart" @touchmove="touchmove" @touchend="touchend"
:style="{transform:moveLeft}" :class="{ani:ani}">
<view class="uni-swipe_button-group button-group--left" :class="[elClass]">
<slot name="left">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftOptions" :key="index" :style="{
backgroundColor: item.style && item.style.backgroundColor ? item.style.backgroundColor : '#C7C6CD',
fontSize: item.style && item.style.fontSize ? item.style.fontSize : '16px'
}" class="uni-swipe_button button-hock" @touchstart.stop="appTouchStart"
@touchend.stop="appTouchEnd($event,index,item,'left')"><text class="uni-swipe_button-text"
:style="{color: item.style && item.style.color ? item.style.color : '#FFFFFF',}">{{ item.text }}</text>
<view class="uni-swipe_button-group button-group--right" :class="[elClass]">
<slot name="right">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightOptions" :key="index" :style="{
backgroundColor: item.style && item.style.backgroundColor ? item.style.backgroundColor : '#C7C6CD',
fontSize: item.style && item.style.fontSize ? item.style.fontSize : '16px'
}" @touchstart.stop="appTouchStart" @touchend.stop="appTouchEnd($event,index,item,'right')"
class="uni-swipe_button button-hock"><text class="uni-swipe_button-text"
:style="{color: item.style && item.style.color ? item.style.color : '#FFFFFF',}">{{ item.text }}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<script src="./wx.wxs" module="wxsswipe" lang="wxs"></script>
<script module="renderswipe" lang="renderjs">
import render from './render.js'
export default {
mounted(e, ins, owner) {
this.state = {}
methods: {
showWatch(newVal, oldVal, ownerInstance, instance) {
render.showWatch(newVal, oldVal, ownerInstance, instance, this)
touchstart(e, ownerInstance) {
render.touchstart(e, ownerInstance, this)
touchmove(e, ownerInstance) {
render.touchmove(e, ownerInstance, this)
touchend(e, ownerInstance) {
render.touchend(e, ownerInstance, this)
import mpwxs from './mpwxs'
import bindingx from './bindingx.js'
import mpother from './mpother'
* SwipeActionItem 滑动操作子组件
* @description 通过滑动触发选项的容器
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=181
* @property {Boolean} show = [left|right|none] 开启关闭组件,auto-close = false 时生效
* @property {Boolean} disabled = [true|false] 是否禁止滑动
* @property {Boolean} autoClose = [true|false] 滑动打开当前组件,是否关闭其他组件
* @property {Number} threshold 滑动缺省值
* @property {Array} leftOptions 左侧选项内容及样式
* @property {Array} rightOptions 右侧选项内容及样式
* @event {Function} click 点击选项按钮时触发事件,e = {content,index} ,content(点击内容)、index(下标)
* @event {Function} change 组件打开或关闭时触发,left\right\none
export default {
mixins: [mpwxs, bindingx, mpother],
emits: ['click', 'change'],
props: {
// 控制开关
show: {
type: String,
default: 'none'
// 禁用
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 是否自动关闭
autoClose: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 滑动缺省距离
threshold: {
type: Number,
default: 20
// 左侧按钮内容
leftOptions: {
type: Array,
default () {
return []
// 右侧按钮内容
rightOptions: {
type: Array,
default () {
return []
// #ifndef VUE3
// TODO vue2
destroyed() {
if (this.__isUnmounted) return
// #endif
// #ifdef VUE3
// TODO vue3
unmounted() {
this.__isUnmounted = true
// #endif
methods: {
uninstall() {
if (this.swipeaction) {
this.swipeaction.children.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item === this) {
this.swipeaction.children.splice(index, 1)
* 获取父元素实例
getSwipeAction(name = 'uniSwipeAction') {
let parent = this.$parent;
let parentName = parent.$options.name;
while (parentName !== name) {
parent = parent.$parent;
if (!parent) return false;
parentName = parent.$options.name;
return parent;
<style lang="scss">
.uni-swipe {
position: relative;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
overflow: hidden;
/* #endif */
.uni-swipe_box {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
flex-shrink: 0;
// touch-action: none;
/* #endif */
position: relative;
.uni-swipe_content {
// border: 1px red solid;
.uni-swipe_text--center {
width: 100%;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
cursor: grab;
/* #endif */
.uni-swipe_button-group {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
/* #endif */
flex-direction: row;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
/* #ifdef H5 */
cursor: pointer;
/* #endif */
.button-group--left {
left: 0;
transform: translateX(-100%)
.button-group--right {
right: 0;
transform: translateX(100%)
.uni-swipe_button {
/* #ifdef APP-NVUE */
flex: 1;
/* #endif */
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 20px;
.uni-swipe_button-text {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
flex-shrink: 0;
/* #endif */
font-size: 14px;
.ani {
transition-property: transform;
transition-duration: 0.3s;
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1);
/* #ifdef MP-ALIPAY */
.movable-area {
/* width: 100%; */
height: 45px;
.movable-view {
display: flex;
/* justify-content: center; */
position: relative;
flex: 1;
height: 45px;
z-index: 2;
.movable-view-button {
display: flex;
flex-shrink: 0;
flex-direction: row;
height: 100%;
background: #C0C0C0;
/* .transition {
transition: all 0.3s;
} */
.movable-view-box {
flex-shrink: 0;
height: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
/* #endif */