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<!-- <div>订单详情</div> -->
<view class="box">
<view class="top" :style="{ borderRadius: '8px' }">
<view class="money" :style="{ borderRadius: '8px' }">
<view class="top_left">
<view class="">
<u--text text="客户实际支付" size="10px"></u--text>
<u--text text="¥ 45" color="#FE4E41" size="15px" lineHeight="21px"></u--text>
<u-line color="#FFBF60" direction="col" length="30px"></u-line>
<view class="">
<u--text text="分成比例" size="10px"></u--text>
<u--text text="20%" color="#FE4E41" size="15px" lineHeight="21px"></u--text>
<u-line color="#FFBF60" direction="col" length="30px"></u-line>
<view class="">
<u--text text="本单酬劳" size="10px"></u--text>
<u--text text="¥ 9" color="#FE4E41" size="15px" lineHeight="21px"></u--text>
<view class="top_bottom">
<u--text text="订单为系统派发,请确认订单信息后再抢单" size="10px" color="#707070"></u--text>
<view class="top-button" :style="{ borderRadius: '27px' }">
<u--text text=" 系统派单" size="10px" color="#FFBF60" align="center" line-height="28px"></u--text>
<view class="information" :style="{ borderRadius: '8px' }">
<view class="text1">
<u-line color="#FFBF60" direction="col" length="15px" bold></u-line>
<u--text text="基本信息" size="15px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="time">
<u--text text="服务日期" size="13px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u--text text="12-0,12-08" size="13px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="time">
<u--text text="服务地址" size="13px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u--text text="湖南省长沙市雨花区人民东路" size="13px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<view class="service" :style="{ borderRadius: '8px' }">
<view class="horizontal_distribution">
<view class="text1">
<u-line color="#FFBF60" direction="col" length="15px"></u-line>
<u--text text="服务内容和酬劳" size="15px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<view class="text2">
<u--text text="查看宠物信息" size="10px" color="#F5F5F5"></u--text>
<u-icon name="arrow-right-double" color="#F5F5F5" size="10"></u-icon>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="pet_information">
shape="circle" width="50px" height="50px"></u--image>
<view class="">
<view class="flex">
<u--text text="小咪" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u-icon name="woman" color="#F77293" size="10"></u-icon>
<u--text text="中华田园犬(小型犬)" size="14px" color="#707070"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="flex">
<u--text text="12-14" size="14px" color="#707070"></u--text>
<u--text text="专业喂养" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u--text text="上门1次" size="14px" color="#707070"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="horizontal_distribution money_total">
<u--text text="合计" size="14px" color="#707070"></u--text>
<u--text text="¥ 45" size="14px" color="#FE4E41"></u--text>
<view class="other_information">
<view class="text1">
<u-line color="#FFBF60" direction="col" length="15px"></u-line>
<u--text text="其他信息" size="15px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="horizontal_distribution">
<u--text text="订单编号:" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u--text text="fe34521532513256" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="horizontal_distribution">
<u--text text="下单时间:" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u--text text="2024-12-45 12:32:41" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u-divider text="" :hairline="true" lineColor="#F5F5F5"></u-divider>
<view class="horizontal_distribution">
<u--text text="支付时间:" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<u--text text="2024-12-45 12:32:41" size="14px" color="#000000"></u--text>
<view class="bottom">
<view class="bottom_button" :style="{ borderRadius: '41px' }">
<u--text text="立即抢单" size="15px" color="#FFFFFF" align="center" line-height="60px"></u--text>
<u-popup :show="show" mode="center" @close="close" @open="open">
<view class="success">
<view class="pop_top">
<u--text text="请立即添加服务顾问,并提供订单编码" size="12px" color="#707070" align="center"></u--text>
<view class="pop_image">
<u--image src="https://xxx.com/album/1.jpg" shape="square" width="100px"
<view class="code" :style="{ borderRadius: '6px' }">
<!-- <u--input type="number" border="surround" v-model="value" @change="change"></u--input> -->
<view class="copy" :style="{ borderRadius: '40px' }">
<u--text text="复制订单编号" size="12px" color="#FFFFFF" align="center" line-height="50px"></u--text>
<view class="cancel" :style="{ borderRadius: '50px' }">
<u-icon name="close-circle" color="#707070" size="40"></u-icon>
<u-button @click="show = true">打开</u-button>
export default {
data() {
return {
show: false
methods: {
open() {
// console.log('open');
close() {
this.show = false
// console.log('close');
// export default {
// data() {
// return {
// value: ''
// }
// },
// methods: {
// change(e) {
// console.log('change', e);
// }
// }
// }
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