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141 lines
4.4 KiB

  1. let i = 1;
  2. const GLmethod = {};
  3. GLmethod.activeTexture = i++; //1
  4. GLmethod.attachShader = i++;
  5. GLmethod.bindAttribLocation = i++;
  6. GLmethod.bindBuffer = i++;
  7. GLmethod.bindFramebuffer = i++;
  8. GLmethod.bindRenderbuffer = i++;
  9. GLmethod.bindTexture = i++;
  10. GLmethod.blendColor = i++;
  11. GLmethod.blendEquation = i++;
  12. GLmethod.blendEquationSeparate = i++; //10
  13. GLmethod.blendFunc = i++;
  14. GLmethod.blendFuncSeparate = i++;
  15. GLmethod.bufferData = i++;
  16. GLmethod.bufferSubData = i++;
  17. GLmethod.checkFramebufferStatus = i++;
  18. GLmethod.clear = i++;
  19. GLmethod.clearColor = i++;
  20. GLmethod.clearDepth = i++;
  21. GLmethod.clearStencil = i++;
  22. GLmethod.colorMask = i++; //20
  23. GLmethod.compileShader = i++;
  24. GLmethod.compressedTexImage2D = i++;
  25. GLmethod.compressedTexSubImage2D = i++;
  26. GLmethod.copyTexImage2D = i++;
  27. GLmethod.copyTexSubImage2D = i++;
  28. GLmethod.createBuffer = i++;
  29. GLmethod.createFramebuffer = i++;
  30. GLmethod.createProgram = i++;
  31. GLmethod.createRenderbuffer = i++;
  32. GLmethod.createShader = i++; //30
  33. GLmethod.createTexture = i++;
  34. GLmethod.cullFace = i++;
  35. GLmethod.deleteBuffer = i++;
  36. GLmethod.deleteFramebuffer = i++;
  37. GLmethod.deleteProgram = i++;
  38. GLmethod.deleteRenderbuffer = i++;
  39. GLmethod.deleteShader = i++;
  40. GLmethod.deleteTexture = i++;
  41. GLmethod.depthFunc = i++;
  42. GLmethod.depthMask = i++; //40
  43. GLmethod.depthRange = i++;
  44. GLmethod.detachShader = i++;
  45. GLmethod.disable = i++;
  46. GLmethod.disableVertexAttribArray = i++;
  47. GLmethod.drawArrays = i++;
  48. GLmethod.drawArraysInstancedANGLE = i++;
  49. GLmethod.drawElements = i++;
  50. GLmethod.drawElementsInstancedANGLE = i++;
  51. GLmethod.enable = i++;
  52. GLmethod.enableVertexAttribArray = i++; //50
  53. GLmethod.flush = i++;
  54. GLmethod.framebufferRenderbuffer = i++;
  55. GLmethod.framebufferTexture2D = i++;
  56. GLmethod.frontFace = i++;
  57. GLmethod.generateMipmap = i++;
  58. GLmethod.getActiveAttrib = i++;
  59. GLmethod.getActiveUniform = i++;
  60. GLmethod.getAttachedShaders = i++;
  61. GLmethod.getAttribLocation = i++;
  62. GLmethod.getBufferParameter = i++; //60
  63. GLmethod.getContextAttributes = i++;
  64. GLmethod.getError = i++;
  65. GLmethod.getExtension = i++;
  66. GLmethod.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter = i++;
  67. GLmethod.getParameter = i++;
  68. GLmethod.getProgramInfoLog = i++;
  69. GLmethod.getProgramParameter = i++;
  70. GLmethod.getRenderbufferParameter = i++;
  71. GLmethod.getShaderInfoLog = i++;
  72. GLmethod.getShaderParameter = i++; //70
  73. GLmethod.getShaderPrecisionFormat = i++;
  74. GLmethod.getShaderSource = i++;
  75. GLmethod.getSupportedExtensions = i++;
  76. GLmethod.getTexParameter = i++;
  77. GLmethod.getUniform = i++;
  78. GLmethod.getUniformLocation = i++;
  79. GLmethod.getVertexAttrib = i++;
  80. GLmethod.getVertexAttribOffset = i++;
  81. GLmethod.isBuffer = i++;
  82. GLmethod.isContextLost = i++; //80
  83. GLmethod.isEnabled = i++;
  84. GLmethod.isFramebuffer = i++;
  85. GLmethod.isProgram = i++;
  86. GLmethod.isRenderbuffer = i++;
  87. GLmethod.isShader = i++;
  88. GLmethod.isTexture = i++;
  89. GLmethod.lineWidth = i++;
  90. GLmethod.linkProgram = i++;
  91. GLmethod.pixelStorei = i++;
  92. GLmethod.polygonOffset = i++; //90
  93. GLmethod.readPixels = i++;
  94. GLmethod.renderbufferStorage = i++;
  95. GLmethod.sampleCoverage = i++;
  96. GLmethod.scissor = i++;
  97. GLmethod.shaderSource = i++;
  98. GLmethod.stencilFunc = i++;
  99. GLmethod.stencilFuncSeparate = i++;
  100. GLmethod.stencilMask = i++;
  101. GLmethod.stencilMaskSeparate = i++;
  102. GLmethod.stencilOp = i++; //100
  103. GLmethod.stencilOpSeparate = i++;
  104. GLmethod.texImage2D = i++;
  105. GLmethod.texParameterf = i++;
  106. GLmethod.texParameteri = i++;
  107. GLmethod.texSubImage2D = i++;
  108. GLmethod.uniform1f = i++;
  109. GLmethod.uniform1fv = i++;
  110. GLmethod.uniform1i = i++;
  111. GLmethod.uniform1iv = i++;
  112. GLmethod.uniform2f = i++; //110
  113. GLmethod.uniform2fv = i++;
  114. GLmethod.uniform2i = i++;
  115. GLmethod.uniform2iv = i++;
  116. GLmethod.uniform3f = i++;
  117. GLmethod.uniform3fv = i++;
  118. GLmethod.uniform3i = i++;
  119. GLmethod.uniform3iv = i++;
  120. GLmethod.uniform4f = i++;
  121. GLmethod.uniform4fv = i++;
  122. GLmethod.uniform4i = i++; //120
  123. GLmethod.uniform4iv = i++;
  124. GLmethod.uniformMatrix2fv = i++;
  125. GLmethod.uniformMatrix3fv = i++;
  126. GLmethod.uniformMatrix4fv = i++;
  127. GLmethod.useProgram = i++;
  128. GLmethod.validateProgram = i++;
  129. GLmethod.vertexAttrib1f = i++; //new
  130. GLmethod.vertexAttrib2f = i++; //new
  131. GLmethod.vertexAttrib3f = i++; //new
  132. GLmethod.vertexAttrib4f = i++; //new //130
  133. GLmethod.vertexAttrib1fv = i++; //new
  134. GLmethod.vertexAttrib2fv = i++; //new
  135. GLmethod.vertexAttrib3fv = i++; //new
  136. GLmethod.vertexAttrib4fv = i++; //new
  137. GLmethod.vertexAttribPointer = i++;
  138. GLmethod.viewport = i++;
  139. export default GLmethod;