var capability = require('./capability');
var inherits = require('inherits');
var response = require('./response');
var stream = require('readable-stream');
var toArrayBuffer = require('to-arraybuffer');
var IncomingMessage = response.IncomingMessage;
var rStates = response.readyStates;
function decideMode(preferBinary, useFetch) {
if (capability.fetch && useFetch) {
return 'fetch';
} else if (capability.mozchunkedarraybuffer) {
return 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer';
} else if (capability.msstream) {
return 'ms-stream';
} else if (capability.arraybuffer && preferBinary) {
return 'arraybuffer';
} else if (capability.vbArray && preferBinary) {
return 'text:vbarray';
} else {
return 'text';
var ClientRequest = (module.exports = function (opts) {
var self = this;
self._opts = opts;
self._body = [];
self._headers = {};
if (opts.auth) self.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + new Buffer(opts.auth).toString('base64'));
Object.keys(opts.headers).forEach(function (name) {
self.setHeader(name, opts.headers[name]);
var preferBinary;
var useFetch = true;
if (opts.mode === 'disable-fetch' || ('requestTimeout' in opts && !capability.abortController)) {
// If the use of XHR should be preferred. Not typically needed.
useFetch = false;
preferBinary = true;
} else if (opts.mode === 'prefer-streaming') {
// If streaming is a high priority but binary compatibility and
// the accuracy of the 'content-type' header aren't
preferBinary = false;
} else if (opts.mode === 'allow-wrong-content-type') {
// If streaming is more important than preserving the 'content-type' header
preferBinary = !capability.overrideMimeType;
} else if (!opts.mode || opts.mode === 'default' || opts.mode === 'prefer-fast') {
// Use binary if text streaming may corrupt data or the content-type header, or for speed
preferBinary = true;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid value for opts.mode');
self._mode = decideMode(preferBinary, useFetch);
self._fetchTimer = null;
self.on('finish', function () {
inherits(ClientRequest, stream.Writable);
ClientRequest.prototype.setHeader = function (name, value) {
var self = this;
var lowerName = name.toLowerCase();
// This check is not necessary, but it prevents warnings from browsers about setting unsafe
// headers. To be honest I'm not entirely sure hiding these warnings is a good thing, but
// http-browserify did it, so I will too.
if (unsafeHeaders.indexOf(lowerName) !== -1) return;
self._headers[lowerName] = {
name: name,
value: value
ClientRequest.prototype.getHeader = function (name) {
var header = this._headers[name.toLowerCase()];
if (header) return header.value;
return null;
ClientRequest.prototype.removeHeader = function (name) {
var self = this;
delete self._headers[name.toLowerCase()];
ClientRequest.prototype._onFinish = function () {
var self = this;
if (self._destroyed) return;
var opts = self._opts;
var headersObj = self._headers;
var body = null;
if (opts.method !== 'GET' && opts.method !== 'HEAD') {
if (capability.arraybuffer) {
body = toArrayBuffer(Buffer.concat(self._body));
} else if (capability.blobConstructor) {
body = new global.Blob(
| (buffer) {
return toArrayBuffer(buffer);
type: (headersObj['content-type'] || {}).value || ''
} else {
// get utf8 string
body = Buffer.concat(self._body).toString();
// create flattened list of headers
var headersList = [];
Object.keys(headersObj).forEach(function (keyName) {
var name = headersObj[keyName].name;
var value = headersObj[keyName].value;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(function (v) {
headersList.push([name, v]);
} else {
headersList.push([name, value]);
if (self._mode === 'fetch') {
var signal = null;
var fetchTimer = null;
if (capability.abortController) {
var controller = new AbortController();
signal = controller.signal;
self._fetchAbortController = controller;
if ('requestTimeout' in opts && opts.requestTimeout !== 0) {
self._fetchTimer = global.setTimeout(function () {
if (self._fetchAbortController) self._fetchAbortController.abort();
}, opts.requestTimeout);
.fetch(self._opts.url, {
method: self._opts.method,
headers: headersList,
body: body || undefined,
mode: 'cors',
credentials: opts.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin',
signal: signal
function (response) {
self._fetchResponse = response;
function (reason) {
if (!self._destroyed) self.emit('error', reason);
} else {
var xhr = (self._xhr = new global.XMLHttpRequest());
try {
|, self._opts.url, true);
} catch (err) {
process.nextTick(function () {
self.emit('error', err);
// Can't set responseType on really old browsers
if ('responseType' in xhr) xhr.responseType = self._mode.split(':')[0];
if ('withCredentials' in xhr) xhr.withCredentials = !!opts.withCredentials;
if (self._mode === 'text' && 'overrideMimeType' in xhr) xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
if ('requestTimeout' in opts) {
xhr.timeout = opts.requestTimeout;
xhr.ontimeout = function () {
headersList.forEach(function (header) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(header[0], header[1]);
self._response = null;
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
switch (xhr.readyState) {
case rStates.LOADING:
case rStates.DONE:
// Necessary for streaming in Firefox, since xhr.response is ONLY defined
// in onprogress, not in onreadystatechange with xhr.readyState = 3
if (self._mode === 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer') {
xhr.onprogress = function () {
xhr.onerror = function () {
if (self._destroyed) return;
self.emit('error', new Error('XHR error'));
try {
} catch (err) {
process.nextTick(function () {
self.emit('error', err);
* Checks if xhr.status is readable and non-zero, indicating no error.
* Even though the spec says it should be available in readyState 3,
* accessing it throws an exception in IE8
function statusValid(xhr) {
try {
var status = xhr.status;
return status !== null && status !== 0;
} catch (e) {
return false;
ClientRequest.prototype._onXHRProgress = function () {
var self = this;
if (!statusValid(self._xhr) || self._destroyed) return;
if (!self._response) self._connect();
ClientRequest.prototype._connect = function () {
var self = this;
if (self._destroyed) return;
self._response = new IncomingMessage(self._xhr, self._fetchResponse, self._mode, self._fetchTimer);
self._response.on('error', function (err) {
self.emit('error', err);
self.emit('response', self._response);
ClientRequest.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
var self = this;
ClientRequest.prototype.abort = ClientRequest.prototype.destroy = function () {
var self = this;
self._destroyed = true;
if (self._response) self._response._destroyed = true;
if (self._xhr) self._xhr.abort();
else if (self._fetchAbortController) self._fetchAbortController.abort();
ClientRequest.prototype.end = function (data, encoding, cb) {
var self = this;
if (typeof data === 'function') {
cb = data;
data = undefined;
|, data, encoding, cb);
ClientRequest.prototype.flushHeaders = function () {};
ClientRequest.prototype.setTimeout = function () {};
ClientRequest.prototype.setNoDelay = function () {};
ClientRequest.prototype.setSocketKeepAlive = function () {};
// Taken from
var unsafeHeaders = [