You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

435 lines
12 KiB

const debug = require('debug')('ali-oss');
const sendToWormhole = require('stream-wormhole');
const xml = require('xml2js');
const AgentKeepalive = require('agentkeepalive');
const HttpsAgentKeepalive = require('agentkeepalive').HttpsAgent;
const merge = require('merge-descriptors');
const platform = require('platform');
const utility = require('utility');
const urllib = require('urllib');
const pkg = require('../package.json');
const bowser = require('bowser');
const signUtils = require('./common/signUtils');
const _initOptions = require('./common/client/initOptions');
const { createRequest } = require('./common/utils/createRequest');
const { encoder } = require('./common/utils/encoder');
const { getReqUrl } = require('./common/client/getReqUrl');
const { setSTSToken } = require('./common/utils/setSTSToken');
const { retry } = require('./common/utils/retry');
const { isFunction } = require('./common/utils/isFunction');
const { getStandardRegion } = require('./common/utils/getStandardRegion');
const globalHttpAgent = new AgentKeepalive();
const globalHttpsAgent = new HttpsAgentKeepalive();
function Client(options, ctx) {
if (!(this instanceof Client)) {
return new Client(options, ctx);
if (options && options.inited) {
this.options = options;
} else {
this.options = Client.initOptions(options);
// support custom agent and urllib client
if (this.options.urllib) {
this.urllib = this.options.urllib;
} else {
this.urllib = urllib;
if (this.options.maxSockets) {
globalHttpAgent.maxSockets = this.options.maxSockets;
globalHttpsAgent.maxSockets = this.options.maxSockets;
this.agent = this.options.agent || globalHttpAgent;
this.httpsAgent = this.options.httpsAgent || globalHttpsAgent;
this.ctx = ctx;
this.userAgent = this._getUserAgent();
this.stsTokenFreshTime = new Date();
* Expose `Client`
module.exports = Client;
Client.initOptions = function initOptions(options) {
return _initOptions(options);
* prototype
const proto = Client.prototype;
* Object operations
merge(proto, require('./common/object'));
merge(proto, require('./object'));
merge(proto, require('./common/image'));
* Bucket operations
merge(proto, require('./common/bucket'));
merge(proto, require('./bucket'));
// multipart upload
merge(proto, require('./managed-upload'));
* RTMP operations
merge(proto, require('./rtmp'));
* common multipart-copy support node and browser
merge(proto, require('./common/multipart-copy'));
* Common module parallel
merge(proto, require('./common/parallel'));
* Multipart operations
merge(proto, require('./common/multipart'));
* ImageClient class
Client.ImageClient = require('./image')(Client);
* Cluster Client class
Client.ClusterClient = require('./cluster')(Client);
* STS Client class
Client.STS = require('./sts');
* get OSS signature
* @param {String} stringToSign
* @return {String} the signature
proto.signature = function signature(stringToSign) {
debug('authorization stringToSign: %s', stringToSign);
return signUtils.computeSignature(this.options.accessKeySecret, stringToSign, this.options.headerEncoding);
proto._getReqUrl = getReqUrl;
* get author header
* "Authorization: OSS " + Access Key Id + ":" + Signature
* Signature = base64(hmac-sha1(Access Key Secret + "\n"
* + VERB + "\n"
* + CONTENT-MD5 + "\n"
* + CONTENT-TYPE + "\n"
* + DATE + "\n"
* + CanonicalizedOSSHeaders
* + CanonicalizedResource))
* @param {String} method
* @param {String} resource
* @param {Object} header
* @return {String}
* @api private
proto.authorization = function authorization(method, resource, subres, headers) {
const stringToSign = signUtils.buildCanonicalString(method.toUpperCase(), resource, {
parameters: subres
return signUtils.authorization(
* get authorization header v4
* @param {string} method
* @param {Object} requestParams
* @param {Object} requestParams.headers
* @param {Object} [requestParams.queries]
* @param {string} [bucketName]
* @param {string} [objectName]
* @param {string[]} [additionalHeaders]
* @return {string}
* @api private
proto.authorizationV4 = function authorizationV4(method, requestParams, bucketName, objectName, additionalHeaders) {
return signUtils.authorizationV4(
* request oss server
* @param {Object} params
* - {String} object
* - {String} bucket
* - {Object} [headers]
* - {Object} [query]
* - {Buffer} [content]
* - {Stream} [stream]
* - {Stream} [writeStream]
* - {String} [mime]
* - {Boolean} [xmlResponse]
* - {Boolean} [customResponse]
* - {Number} [timeout]
* - {Object} [ctx] request context, default is `this.ctx`
* @api private
proto.request = async function (params) {
if (this.options.retryMax) {
return await retry(request.bind(this), this.options.retryMax, {
errorHandler: err => {
const _errHandle = _err => {
if (params.stream) return false;
const statusErr = [-1, -2].includes(_err.status);
const requestErrorRetryHandle = this.options.requestErrorRetryHandle || (() => true);
return statusErr && requestErrorRetryHandle(_err);
if (_errHandle(err)) return true;
return false;
} else {
return await request.call(this, params);
async function request(params) {
if (this.options.stsToken && isFunction(this.options.refreshSTSToken)) {
await setSTSToken.call(this);
const reqParams = createRequest.call(this, params);
let result;
let reqErr;
try {
result = await this.urllib.request(reqParams.url, reqParams.params);
debug('response %s %s, got %s, headers: %j', params.method, reqParams.url, result.status, result.headers);
} catch (err) {
reqErr = err;
let err;
if (result && params.successStatuses && params.successStatuses.indexOf(result.status) === -1) {
err = await this.requestError(result);
err.params = params;
} else if (reqErr) {
err = await this.requestError(reqErr);
if (err) {
if (params.customResponse && result && result.res) {
// consume the response stream
await sendToWormhole(result.res);
if (err.name === 'ResponseTimeoutError') {
err.message = `${
}, please increase the timeout, see more details at https://github.com/ali-sdk/ali-oss#responsetimeouterror`;
if (err.name === 'ConnectionTimeoutError') {
err.message = `${
}, please increase the timeout or reduce the partSize, see more details at https://github.com/ali-sdk/ali-oss#connectiontimeouterror`;
throw err;
if (params.xmlResponse) {
result.data = await this.parseXML(result.data);
return result;
proto._getResource = function _getResource(params) {
let resource = '/';
if (params.bucket) resource += `${params.bucket}/`;
if (params.object) resource += encoder(params.object, this.options.headerEncoding);
return resource;
proto._escape = function _escape(name) {
return utility.encodeURIComponent(name).replace(/%2F/g, '/');
* Get User-Agent for browser & node.js
* @example
* aliyun-sdk-nodejs/4.1.2 Node.js 5.3.0 on Darwin 64-bit
* aliyun-sdk-js/4.1.2 Safari 9.0 on Apple iPhone(iOS 9.2.1)
* aliyun-sdk-js/4.1.2 Chrome 43.0.2357.134 32-bit on Windows Server 2008 R2 / 7 64-bit
proto._getUserAgent = function _getUserAgent() {
const agent = process && process.browser ? 'js' : 'nodejs';
const sdk = `aliyun-sdk-${agent}/${pkg.version}`;
let plat = platform.description;
if (!plat && process) {
plat = `Node.js ${process.version.slice(1)} on ${process.platform} ${process.arch}`;
return this._checkUserAgent(`${sdk} ${plat}`);
proto._checkUserAgent = function _checkUserAgent(ua) {
const userAgent = ua.replace(/\u03b1/, 'alpha').replace(/\u03b2/, 'beta');
return userAgent;
* Check Browser And Version
* @param {String} [name] browser name: like IE, Chrome, Firefox
* @param {String} [version] browser major version: like 10(IE 10.x), 55(Chrome 55.x), 50(Firefox 50.x)
* @return {Bool} true or false
* @api private
proto.checkBrowserAndVersion = function checkBrowserAndVersion(name, version) {
return bowser.name === name && bowser.version.split('.')[0] === version;
* thunkify xml.parseString
* @param {String|Buffer} str
* @api private
proto.parseXML = function parseXMLThunk(str) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(str)) {
str = str.toString();
explicitRoot: false,
explicitArray: false
(err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
* generater a request error with request response
* @param {Object} result
* @api private
proto.requestError = async function requestError(result) {
let err = null;
const setError = async message => {
let info;
try {
info = (await this.parseXML(message)) || {};
} catch (error) {
error.message += `\nraw xml: ${message}`;
error.status = result.status;
error.requestId = result.headers['x-oss-request-id'];
return error;
let msg = info.Message || `unknow request error, status: ${result.status}`;
if (info.Condition) {
msg += ` (condition: ${info.Condition})`;
err = new Error(msg);
err.name = info.Code ? `${info.Code}Error` : 'UnknownError';
err.status = result.status;
err.code = info.Code;
err.requestId = info.RequestId;
err.ecCode = info.EC;
err.hostId = info.HostId;
if (result.name === 'ResponseTimeoutError') {
err = new Error(result.message);
err.name = result.name;
} else if (!result.data || !result.data.length) {
if (result.status === -1 || result.status === -2) {
// -1 is net error , -2 is timeout
err = new Error(result.message);
err.name = result.name;
err.status = result.status;
err.code = result.name;
} else {
// HEAD not exists resource
if (result.status === 404) {
err = new Error('Object not exists');
err.name = 'NoSuchKeyError';
err.status = 404;
err.code = 'NoSuchKey';
} else if (result.status === 412) {
err = new Error('Pre condition failed');
err.name = 'PreconditionFailedError';
err.status = 412;
err.code = 'PreconditionFailed';
} else {
err = new Error(`Unknow error, status: ${result.status}`);
err.name = 'UnknownError';
err.status = result.status;
err.res = result;
const ossErr = result.headers['x-oss-err'];
if (ossErr) {
const message = Buffer.from(ossErr, 'base64').toString('utf8');
await setError(message);
err.requestId = result.headers['x-oss-request-id'];
err.host = '';
} else {
const message = String(result.data);
debug('request response error data: %s', message);
await setError(message);
debug('generate error %j', err);
return err;
proto.setSLDEnabled = function setSLDEnabled(enable) {
this.options.sldEnable = !!enable;
return this;