- <template>
- <view>
- <view class="se-bgc-white se-pb-20 se-pt-30 se-px-40">
- <uv-search @search="onSearch()" placeholder="搜索租房信息" :showAction="false" v-model="keyword"></uv-search>
- </view>
- <view class="se-pb-10 se-px-40 se-bgc-white">
- <uv-drop-down ref="dropDown" sign="dropDown_1" text-active-color="#20CD7D"
- :extra-icon="{name:'arrow-down-fill',color:'#666',size:'26rpx'}"
- :extra-active-icon="{name:'arrow-up-fill',color:'#20CD7D',size:'26rpx'}" :defaultValue="defaultValue"
- :custom-style="{padding: '0rpx 0rpx',borderBottom:'1rpx solid transparent'}" @click="selectMenu">
- <uv-drop-down-item name="region" type="2" :label="dropItem('region').label" :value="dropItem('region').value">
- </uv-drop-down-item>
- <uv-drop-down-item name="rent" type="2" :label="dropItem('rent').label" :value="dropItem('rent').value">
- </uv-drop-down-item>
- <uv-drop-down-item name="type" type="2" :label="dropItem('type').label" :value="dropItem('type').value">
- </uv-drop-down-item>
- <uv-drop-down-item name="duration" type="2" :label="dropItem('duration').label" :value="dropItem('duration').value">
- </uv-drop-down-item>
- <!-- <uv-drop-down-item name="vip_type" type="1" label='VIP文档' :value="dropItem('vip_type').value">
- </uv-drop-down-item> -->
- </uv-drop-down>
- <uv-drop-down-popup sign="dropDown_1" :click-overlay-on-close="true" :currentDropItem="currentDropItem"
- @clickItem="clickItem" @popupChange="change"></uv-drop-down-popup>
- </view>
- </view>
- </template>
- <script>
- import { houseArea,houseIconClass,housePrice,houseYear } from "@/common/api.js"
- export default {
- onPageScroll() {
- // 滚动后及时更新位置
- this.$refs.dropDown.init();
- },
- computed: {
- dropItem(name) {
- return (name) => {
- const result = {};
- const find = this.result.find(item => item.name === name);
- if (find) {
- result.label = find.label;
- result.value = find.value;
- } else {
- result.label = this[name].label;
- result.value = this[name].value;
- }
- return result;
- }
- },
- // 获取当前下拉筛选项
- currentDropItem() {
- return this[this.activeName];
- }
- },
- data() {
- return {
- keyword: "",
- // 表示value等于这些值,就属于默认值
- defaultValue: ['all', 'all', 'all','all'],
- // 筛选结果
- result: [],
- region:{
- label: '区域',
- value: 'all',
- activeIndex: 0,
- color: '#333',
- activeColor: '#20CD7D',
- child: [
- // {
- // label: '全部区域',
- // value: 'all'
- // }, {
- // label: '湖南',
- // value: 'hunan'
- // }, {
- // label: '广州',
- // value: 'guangzhou'
- // },
- ]
- },
- rent:{
- label: '租金',
- value: 'all',
- activeIndex: 0,
- color: '#333',
- activeColor: '#20CD7D',
- child: [
- // {
- // label: '全部',
- // value: 'all'
- // },
- // {
- // label: '0-2k',
- // value: '2000'
- // }, {
- // label: '2k-4k',
- // value: '4000'
- // }, {
- // label: '4k-6k',
- // value: '6000'
- // }, {
- // label: '6k+',
- // value: '6000+'
- // },
- ]
- },
- type: {
- label: '类型',
- value: 'all',
- activeIndex: 0,
- color: '#333',
- activeColor: '#20CD7D',
- child: [
- // {
- // label: '全部',
- // value: 'all'
- // }, {
- // label: '闲置散居农房',
- // value: 'nongfang'
- // }, {
- // label: '鱼塘',
- // value: 'yutang'
- // }, {
- // label: '耕地',
- // value: 'gengdi'
- // },
- ]
- },
- duration:{
- label: '年限',
- value: 'all',
- activeIndex: 0,
- color: '#333',
- activeColor: '#20CD7D',
- child: [
- // {
- // label: '全部',
- // value: 'all'
- // },
- // {
- // label: '5年内',
- // value: '0-5'
- // }, {
- // label: '5-10年',
- // value: '5-10'
- // }, {
- // label: '10-20年',
- // value: '10-20'
- // },
- ]
- },
- activeName: 'region',
- vip_type: {
- label: 'VIP文档',
- value: 0,
- activeIndex: 0
- }
- }
- },
- mounted() {
- let that = this
- // setTimeout(()=>{
- that.onhouseArea()
- that.onhouseIconClass()
- that.onhousePrice()
- that.onhouseYear()
- // },2000)
- console.info('组件')
- // houseArea,houseIconClass,housePrice,houseYear
- },
- methods: {
- onhouseArea(){
- let that = this
- houseArea({}).then(response=>{
- let arr = [
- {
- label: '全部',
- value: 'all'
- }
- ]
- response.result.forEach(items=>{
- let obj = {}
- obj.label=items.title;
- obj.value=items.id
- arr.push(obj)
- })
- that.region.child=arr
- console.info('houseArea',response.result)
- }).catch(error=>{
- })
- },
- onhouseIconClass(){
- let that = this
- houseIconClass({}).then(response=>{
- console.info(response.result)
- let arr = [
- {
- label: '全部',
- value: 'all'
- }
- ]
- response.result.forEach(items=>{
- let obj = {}
- obj.label=items.title;
- obj.value=items.id
- arr.push(obj)
- })
- that.type.child=arr
- }).catch(error=>{
- })
- },
- onhousePrice(){
- let that = this
- housePrice({}).then(response=>{
- let arr = [
- {
- label: '全部',
- value: 'all'
- }
- ]
- response.result.forEach(items=>{
- let obj = {}
- obj.label=items.title;
- obj.value=items.price
- arr.push(obj)
- })
- that.rent.child=arr
- }).catch(error=>{
- })
- },
- onhouseYear(){
- let that = this
- houseYear({}).then(response=>{
- console.info(response.result)
- let arr = [
- {
- label: '全部',
- value: 'all'
- }
- ]
- response.result.forEach(items=>{
- let obj = {}
- obj.label=items.title;
- obj.value=items.timeGo
- arr.push(obj)
- })
- that.duration.child=arr
- }).catch(error=>{
- })
- },
- onSearch(){
- this.$emit("onSearch",this.keyword)
- },
- change(e) {
- console.log('弹窗打开状态:', e);
- },
- /**
- * 点击每个筛选项回调
- * @param {Object} e { name, active, type } = e
- */
- selectMenu(e) {
- const {
- name,
- active,
- type
- } = e;
- this.activeName = name;
- // type 等于1 的需要特殊处理:type不等于1可以忽略
- if (type == 1) {
- this.clickItem({
- name: 'vip_type',
- label: 'VIP文档',
- value: e.active ? 1 : 0
- });
- } else {
- const find = this.result.find(item => item.name == this.activeName);
- if (find) {
- const findIndex = this[this.activeName].child.findIndex(item => item.label == find.label && item
- .value == find.value);
- this[this.activeName].activeIndex = findIndex;
- } else {
- this[this.activeName].activeIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * 点击菜单回调处理
- * @param {Object} item 选中项 { label,value } = e
- */
- clickItem(e) {
- // 下面有重新赋值,所以用let
- let {
- label,
- value
- } = e;
- this.result.push({
- name: this.activeName,
- label,
- value
- });
- const findIndex = this.result.findIndex(item => item.name == this.activeName);
- if (this.defaultValue.indexOf(value) > -1 && this[this.activeName].label) {
- label = this[this.activeName].label;
- }
- // 已经存在筛选项
- if (findIndex > -1) {
- this.$set(this.result, findIndex, {
- name: this.activeName,
- label,
- value
- })
- } else {
- this.result.push({
- name: this.activeName,
- label,
- value
- });
- }
- this.result = this.result.filter(item => this.defaultValue.indexOf(item.value) == -1);
- // uni.showModal({
- // content: `筛选的值:${JSON.stringify(this.result)}`
- // })
- console.info('onParent',this.result)
- this.$emit("onParent",this.result)
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style>
- </style>