- 'use strict';
- const Queue = require('yocto-queue');
- const pLimit = concurrency => {
- if (!((Number.isInteger(concurrency) || concurrency === Infinity) && concurrency > 0)) {
- throw new TypeError('Expected `concurrency` to be a number from 1 and up');
- }
- const queue = new Queue();
- let activeCount = 0;
- const next = () => {
- activeCount--;
- if (queue.size > 0) {
- queue.dequeue()();
- }
- };
- const run = async (fn, resolve, ...args) => {
- activeCount++;
- const result = (async () => fn(...args))();
- resolve(result);
- try {
- await result;
- } catch {}
- next();
- };
- const enqueue = (fn, resolve, ...args) => {
- queue.enqueue(run.bind(null, fn, resolve, ...args));
- (async () => {
- // This function needs to wait until the next microtask before comparing
- // `activeCount` to `concurrency`, because `activeCount` is updated asynchronously
- // when the run function is dequeued and called. The comparison in the if-statement
- // needs to happen asynchronously as well to get an up-to-date value for `activeCount`.
- await Promise.resolve();
- if (activeCount < concurrency && queue.size > 0) {
- queue.dequeue()();
- }
- })();
- };
- const generator = (fn, ...args) => new Promise(resolve => {
- enqueue(fn, resolve, ...args);
- });
- Object.defineProperties(generator, {
- activeCount: {
- get: () => activeCount
- },
- pendingCount: {
- get: () => queue.size
- },
- clearQueue: {
- value: () => {
- queue.clear();
- }
- }
- });
- return generator;
- };
- module.exports = pLimit;