- /**
- * @fileoverview A collection of methods for processing Espree's options.
- * @author Kai Cataldo
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helpers
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3,
- 5,
- 6, // 2015
- 7, // 2016
- 8, // 2017
- 9, // 2018
- 10, // 2019
- 11, // 2020
- 12, // 2021
- 13, // 2022
- 14, // 2023
- 15 // 2024
- ];
- /**
- * Get the latest ECMAScript version supported by Espree.
- * @returns {number} The latest ECMAScript version.
- */
- export function getLatestEcmaVersion() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of ECMAScript versions supported by Espree.
- * @returns {number[]} An array containing the supported ECMAScript versions.
- */
- export function getSupportedEcmaVersions() {
- }
- /**
- * Normalize ECMAScript version from the initial config
- * @param {(number|"latest")} ecmaVersion ECMAScript version from the initial config
- * @throws {Error} throws an error if the ecmaVersion is invalid.
- * @returns {number} normalized ECMAScript version
- */
- function normalizeEcmaVersion(ecmaVersion = 5) {
- let version = ecmaVersion === "latest" ? getLatestEcmaVersion() : ecmaVersion;
- if (typeof version !== "number") {
- throw new Error(`ecmaVersion must be a number or "latest". Received value of type ${typeof ecmaVersion} instead.`);
- }
- // Calculate ECMAScript edition number from official year version starting with
- // ES2015, which corresponds with ES6 (or a difference of 2009).
- if (version >= 2015) {
- version -= 2009;
- }
- if (!SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.includes(version)) {
- throw new Error("Invalid ecmaVersion.");
- }
- return version;
- }
- /**
- * Normalize sourceType from the initial config
- * @param {string} sourceType to normalize
- * @throws {Error} throw an error if sourceType is invalid
- * @returns {string} normalized sourceType
- */
- function normalizeSourceType(sourceType = "script") {
- if (sourceType === "script" || sourceType === "module") {
- return sourceType;
- }
- if (sourceType === "commonjs") {
- return "script";
- }
- throw new Error("Invalid sourceType.");
- }
- /**
- * Normalize parserOptions
- * @param {Object} options the parser options to normalize
- * @throws {Error} throw an error if found invalid option.
- * @returns {Object} normalized options
- */
- export function normalizeOptions(options) {
- const ecmaVersion = normalizeEcmaVersion(options.ecmaVersion);
- const sourceType = normalizeSourceType(options.sourceType);
- const ranges = options.range === true;
- const locations = options.loc === true;
- if (ecmaVersion !== 3 && options.allowReserved) {
- // a value of `false` is intentionally allowed here, so a shared config can overwrite it when needed
- throw new Error("`allowReserved` is only supported when ecmaVersion is 3");
- }
- if (typeof options.allowReserved !== "undefined" && typeof options.allowReserved !== "boolean") {
- throw new Error("`allowReserved`, when present, must be `true` or `false`");
- }
- const allowReserved = ecmaVersion === 3 ? (options.allowReserved || "never") : false;
- const ecmaFeatures = options.ecmaFeatures || {};
- const allowReturnOutsideFunction = options.sourceType === "commonjs" ||
- Boolean(ecmaFeatures.globalReturn);
- if (sourceType === "module" && ecmaVersion < 6) {
- throw new Error("sourceType 'module' is not supported when ecmaVersion < 2015. Consider adding `{ ecmaVersion: 2015 }` to the parser options.");
- }
- return Object.assign({}, options, {
- ecmaVersion,
- sourceType,
- ranges,
- locations,
- allowReserved,
- allowReturnOutsideFunction
- });
- }