- /**
- * @fileoverview Rule to enforce line breaks after each array element
- * @author Jan Peer Stöcklmair <https://github.com/JPeer264>
- * @deprecated in ESLint v8.53.0
- */
- "use strict";
- const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rule Definition
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */
- module.exports = {
- meta: {
- deprecated: true,
- replacedBy: [],
- type: "layout",
- docs: {
- description: "Enforce line breaks after each array element",
- recommended: false,
- url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/array-element-newline"
- },
- fixable: "whitespace",
- schema: {
- definitions: {
- basicConfig: {
- oneOf: [
- {
- enum: ["always", "never", "consistent"]
- },
- {
- type: "object",
- properties: {
- multiline: {
- type: "boolean"
- },
- minItems: {
- type: ["integer", "null"],
- minimum: 0
- }
- },
- additionalProperties: false
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- type: "array",
- items: [
- {
- oneOf: [
- {
- $ref: "#/definitions/basicConfig"
- },
- {
- type: "object",
- properties: {
- ArrayExpression: {
- $ref: "#/definitions/basicConfig"
- },
- ArrayPattern: {
- $ref: "#/definitions/basicConfig"
- }
- },
- additionalProperties: false,
- minProperties: 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- messages: {
- unexpectedLineBreak: "There should be no linebreak here.",
- missingLineBreak: "There should be a linebreak after this element."
- }
- },
- create(context) {
- const sourceCode = context.sourceCode;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helpers
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Normalizes a given option value.
- * @param {string|Object|undefined} providedOption An option value to parse.
- * @returns {{multiline: boolean, minItems: number}} Normalized option object.
- */
- function normalizeOptionValue(providedOption) {
- let consistent = false;
- let multiline = false;
- let minItems;
- const option = providedOption || "always";
- if (!option || option === "always" || option.minItems === 0) {
- minItems = 0;
- } else if (option === "never") {
- minItems = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- } else if (option === "consistent") {
- consistent = true;
- minItems = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- } else {
- multiline = Boolean(option.multiline);
- minItems = option.minItems || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- }
- return { consistent, multiline, minItems };
- }
- /**
- * Normalizes a given option value.
- * @param {string|Object|undefined} options An option value to parse.
- * @returns {{ArrayExpression: {multiline: boolean, minItems: number}, ArrayPattern: {multiline: boolean, minItems: number}}} Normalized option object.
- */
- function normalizeOptions(options) {
- if (options && (options.ArrayExpression || options.ArrayPattern)) {
- let expressionOptions, patternOptions;
- if (options.ArrayExpression) {
- expressionOptions = normalizeOptionValue(options.ArrayExpression);
- }
- if (options.ArrayPattern) {
- patternOptions = normalizeOptionValue(options.ArrayPattern);
- }
- return { ArrayExpression: expressionOptions, ArrayPattern: patternOptions };
- }
- const value = normalizeOptionValue(options);
- return { ArrayExpression: value, ArrayPattern: value };
- }
- /**
- * Reports that there shouldn't be a line break after the first token
- * @param {Token} token The token to use for the report.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function reportNoLineBreak(token) {
- const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(token, { includeComments: true });
- context.report({
- loc: {
- start: tokenBefore.loc.end,
- end: token.loc.start
- },
- messageId: "unexpectedLineBreak",
- fix(fixer) {
- if (astUtils.isCommentToken(tokenBefore)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (!astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(tokenBefore, token)) {
- return fixer.replaceTextRange([tokenBefore.range[1], token.range[0]], " ");
- }
- /*
- * This will check if the comma is on the same line as the next element
- * Following array:
- * [
- * 1
- * , 2
- * , 3
- * ]
- *
- * will be fixed to:
- * [
- * 1, 2, 3
- * ]
- */
- const twoTokensBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(tokenBefore, { includeComments: true });
- if (astUtils.isCommentToken(twoTokensBefore)) {
- return null;
- }
- return fixer.replaceTextRange([twoTokensBefore.range[1], tokenBefore.range[0]], "");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Reports that there should be a line break after the first token
- * @param {Token} token The token to use for the report.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function reportRequiredLineBreak(token) {
- const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(token, { includeComments: true });
- context.report({
- loc: {
- start: tokenBefore.loc.end,
- end: token.loc.start
- },
- messageId: "missingLineBreak",
- fix(fixer) {
- return fixer.replaceTextRange([tokenBefore.range[1], token.range[0]], "\n");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Reports a given node if it violated this rule.
- * @param {ASTNode} node A node to check. This is an ObjectExpression node or an ObjectPattern node.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function check(node) {
- const elements = node.elements;
- const normalizedOptions = normalizeOptions(context.options[0]);
- const options = normalizedOptions[node.type];
- if (!options) {
- return;
- }
- let elementBreak = false;
- /*
- * MULTILINE: true
- * loop through every element and check
- * if at least one element has linebreaks inside
- * this ensures that following is not valid (due to elements are on the same line):
- *
- * [
- * 1,
- * 2,
- * 3
- * ]
- */
- if (options.multiline) {
- elementBreak = elements
- .filter(element => element !== null)
- .some(element => element.loc.start.line !== element.loc.end.line);
- }
- let linebreaksCount = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < node.elements.length; i++) {
- const element = node.elements[i];
- const previousElement = elements[i - 1];
- if (i === 0 || element === null || previousElement === null) {
- continue;
- }
- const commaToken = sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(previousElement, element, astUtils.isCommaToken);
- const lastTokenOfPreviousElement = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(commaToken);
- const firstTokenOfCurrentElement = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(commaToken);
- if (!astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfPreviousElement, firstTokenOfCurrentElement)) {
- linebreaksCount++;
- }
- }
- const needsLinebreaks = (
- elements.length >= options.minItems ||
- (
- options.multiline &&
- elementBreak
- ) ||
- (
- options.consistent &&
- linebreaksCount > 0 &&
- linebreaksCount < node.elements.length
- )
- );
- elements.forEach((element, i) => {
- const previousElement = elements[i - 1];
- if (i === 0 || element === null || previousElement === null) {
- return;
- }
- const commaToken = sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(previousElement, element, astUtils.isCommaToken);
- const lastTokenOfPreviousElement = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(commaToken);
- const firstTokenOfCurrentElement = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(commaToken);
- if (needsLinebreaks) {
- if (astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfPreviousElement, firstTokenOfCurrentElement)) {
- reportRequiredLineBreak(firstTokenOfCurrentElement);
- }
- } else {
- if (!astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfPreviousElement, firstTokenOfCurrentElement)) {
- reportNoLineBreak(firstTokenOfCurrentElement);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- return {
- ArrayPattern: check,
- ArrayExpression: check
- };
- }
- };