- /**
- * @fileoverview Utility for caching lint results.
- * @author Kevin Partington
- */
- "use strict";
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Requirements
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const assert = require("assert");
- const fs = require("fs");
- const fileEntryCache = require("file-entry-cache");
- const stringify = require("json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify");
- const pkg = require("../../package.json");
- const hash = require("./hash");
- const debug = require("debug")("eslint:lint-result-cache");
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helpers
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const configHashCache = new WeakMap();
- const nodeVersion = process && process.version;
- const validCacheStrategies = ["metadata", "content"];
- const invalidCacheStrategyErrorMessage = `Cache strategy must be one of: ${validCacheStrategies
- .map(strategy => `"${strategy}"`)
- .join(", ")}`;
- /**
- * Tests whether a provided cacheStrategy is valid
- * @param {string} cacheStrategy The cache strategy to use
- * @returns {boolean} true if `cacheStrategy` is one of `validCacheStrategies`; false otherwise
- */
- function isValidCacheStrategy(cacheStrategy) {
- return (
- validCacheStrategies.includes(cacheStrategy)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the hash of the config
- * @param {ConfigArray} config The config.
- * @returns {string} The hash of the config
- */
- function hashOfConfigFor(config) {
- if (!configHashCache.has(config)) {
- configHashCache.set(config, hash(`${pkg.version}_${nodeVersion}_${stringify(config)}`));
- }
- return configHashCache.get(config);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public Interface
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Lint result cache. This wraps around the file-entry-cache module,
- * transparently removing properties that are difficult or expensive to
- * serialize and adding them back in on retrieval.
- */
- class LintResultCache {
- /**
- * Creates a new LintResultCache instance.
- * @param {string} cacheFileLocation The cache file location.
- * @param {"metadata" | "content"} cacheStrategy The cache strategy to use.
- */
- constructor(cacheFileLocation, cacheStrategy) {
- assert(cacheFileLocation, "Cache file location is required");
- assert(cacheStrategy, "Cache strategy is required");
- assert(
- isValidCacheStrategy(cacheStrategy),
- invalidCacheStrategyErrorMessage
- );
- debug(`Caching results to ${cacheFileLocation}`);
- const useChecksum = cacheStrategy === "content";
- debug(
- `Using "${cacheStrategy}" strategy to detect changes`
- );
- this.fileEntryCache = fileEntryCache.create(
- cacheFileLocation,
- void 0,
- useChecksum
- );
- this.cacheFileLocation = cacheFileLocation;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve cached lint results for a given file path, if present in the
- * cache. If the file is present and has not been changed, rebuild any
- * missing result information.
- * @param {string} filePath The file for which to retrieve lint results.
- * @param {ConfigArray} config The config of the file.
- * @returns {Object|null} The rebuilt lint results, or null if the file is
- * changed or not in the filesystem.
- */
- getCachedLintResults(filePath, config) {
- /*
- * Cached lint results are valid if and only if:
- * 1. The file is present in the filesystem
- * 2. The file has not changed since the time it was previously linted
- * 3. The ESLint configuration has not changed since the time the file
- * was previously linted
- * If any of these are not true, we will not reuse the lint results.
- */
- const fileDescriptor = this.fileEntryCache.getFileDescriptor(filePath);
- const hashOfConfig = hashOfConfigFor(config);
- const changed =
- fileDescriptor.changed ||
- fileDescriptor.meta.hashOfConfig !== hashOfConfig;
- if (fileDescriptor.notFound) {
- debug(`File not found on the file system: ${filePath}`);
- return null;
- }
- if (changed) {
- debug(`Cache entry not found or no longer valid: ${filePath}`);
- return null;
- }
- const cachedResults = fileDescriptor.meta.results;
- // Just in case, not sure if this can ever happen.
- if (!cachedResults) {
- return cachedResults;
- }
- /*
- * Shallow clone the object to ensure that any properties added or modified afterwards
- * will not be accidentally stored in the cache file when `reconcile()` is called.
- * https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/13507
- * All intentional changes to the cache file must be done through `setCachedLintResults()`.
- */
- const results = { ...cachedResults };
- // If source is present but null, need to reread the file from the filesystem.
- if (results.source === null) {
- debug(`Rereading cached result source from filesystem: ${filePath}`);
- results.source = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8");
- }
- return results;
- }
- /**
- * Set the cached lint results for a given file path, after removing any
- * information that will be both unnecessary and difficult to serialize.
- * Avoids caching results with an "output" property (meaning fixes were
- * applied), to prevent potentially incorrect results if fixes are not
- * written to disk.
- * @param {string} filePath The file for which to set lint results.
- * @param {ConfigArray} config The config of the file.
- * @param {Object} result The lint result to be set for the file.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- setCachedLintResults(filePath, config, result) {
- if (result && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(result, "output")) {
- return;
- }
- const fileDescriptor = this.fileEntryCache.getFileDescriptor(filePath);
- if (fileDescriptor && !fileDescriptor.notFound) {
- debug(`Updating cached result: ${filePath}`);
- // Serialize the result, except that we want to remove the file source if present.
- const resultToSerialize = Object.assign({}, result);
- /*
- * Set result.source to null.
- * In `getCachedLintResults`, if source is explicitly null, we will
- * read the file from the filesystem to set the value again.
- */
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(resultToSerialize, "source")) {
- resultToSerialize.source = null;
- }
- fileDescriptor.meta.results = resultToSerialize;
- fileDescriptor.meta.hashOfConfig = hashOfConfigFor(config);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Persists the in-memory cache to disk.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- reconcile() {
- debug(`Persisting cached results: ${this.cacheFileLocation}`);
- this.fileEntryCache.reconcile();
- }
- }
- module.exports = LintResultCache;