- import test from 'tape';
- import { CLIEngine, ESLint } from 'eslint';
- import eslintrc from '..';
- import reactRules from '../rules/react';
- import reactA11yRules from '../rules/react-a11y';
- const rules = {
- // It is okay to import devDependencies in tests.
- 'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [2, { devDependencies: true }],
- // this doesn't matter for tests
- 'lines-between-class-members': 0,
- // otherwise we need some junk in our fixture code
- 'react/no-unused-class-component-methods': 0,
- };
- const cli = new (CLIEngine || ESLint)({
- useEslintrc: false,
- baseConfig: eslintrc,
- ...(CLIEngine ? { rules } : { overrideConfig: { rules } }),
- });
- async function lint(text) {
- // @see https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api.html#executeonfiles
- // @see https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api.html#executeontext
- const linter = CLIEngine ? cli.executeOnText(text) : await cli.lintText(text);
- return (CLIEngine ? linter.results : linter)[0];
- }
- function wrapComponent(body) {
- return `\
- import React from 'react';
- export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {
- /* eslint no-empty-function: 0, class-methods-use-this: 0 */
- ${body}}
- `;
- }
- test('validate react methods order', (t) => {
- t.test('make sure our eslintrc has React and JSX linting dependencies', (t) => {
- t.plan(2);
- t.deepEqual(reactRules.plugins, ['react']);
- t.deepEqual(reactA11yRules.plugins, ['jsx-a11y', 'react']);
- });
- t.test('passes a good component', async (t) => {
- const result = await lint(wrapComponent(`
- componentDidMount() {}
- handleSubmit() {}
- onButtonAClick() {}
- setFoo() {}
- getFoo() {}
- setBar() {}
- someMethod() {}
- renderDogs() {}
- render() { return <div />; }
- `));
- t.notOk(result.warningCount, 'no warnings');
- t.deepEquals(result.messages, [], 'no messages in results');
- t.notOk(result.errorCount, 'no errors');
- });
- t.test('order: when random method is first', async (t) => {
- const result = await lint(wrapComponent(`
- someMethod() {}
- componentDidMount() {}
- setFoo() {}
- getFoo() {}
- setBar() {}
- renderDogs() {}
- render() { return <div />; }
- `));
- t.ok(result.errorCount, 'fails');
- t.deepEqual(result.messages.map((msg) => msg.ruleId), ['react/sort-comp'], 'fails due to sort');
- });
- t.test('order: when random method after lifecycle methods', async (t) => {
- const result = await lint(wrapComponent(`
- componentDidMount() {}
- someMethod() {}
- setFoo() {}
- getFoo() {}
- setBar() {}
- renderDogs() {}
- render() { return <div />; }
- `));
- t.ok(result.errorCount, 'fails');
- t.deepEqual(result.messages.map((msg) => msg.ruleId), ['react/sort-comp'], 'fails due to sort');
- });
- t.test('order: when handler method with `handle` prefix after method with `on` prefix', async (t) => {
- const result = await lint(wrapComponent(`
- componentDidMount() {}
- onButtonAClick() {}
- handleSubmit() {}
- setFoo() {}
- getFoo() {}
- render() { return <div />; }
- `));
- t.ok(result.errorCount, 'fails');
- t.deepEqual(result.messages.map((msg) => msg.ruleId), ['react/sort-comp'], 'fails due to sort');
- });
- t.test('order: when lifecycle methods after event handler methods', async (t) => {
- const result = await lint(wrapComponent(`
- handleSubmit() {}
- componentDidMount() {}
- setFoo() {}
- getFoo() {}
- render() { return <div />; }
- `));
- t.ok(result.errorCount, 'fails');
- t.deepEqual(result.messages.map((msg) => msg.ruleId), ['react/sort-comp'], 'fails due to sort');
- });
- t.test('order: when event handler methods after getters and setters', async (t) => {
- const result = await lint(wrapComponent(`
- componentDidMount() {}
- setFoo() {}
- getFoo() {}
- handleSubmit() {}
- render() { return <div />; }
- `));
- t.ok(result.errorCount, 'fails');
- t.deepEqual(result.messages.map((msg) => msg.ruleId), ['react/sort-comp'], 'fails due to sort');
- });
- });