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2 months ago
  1. 15.0.0 / 2021-11-08
  2. ==================
  3. - [breaking] drop eslint < 7, add eslint 8 (#2495)
  4. - [breaking] add `exports`
  5. - [patch] Improve `function-paren-newline` with `multiline-arguments` option (#2471)
  6. - [patch] update default value for complexity (#2420)
  7. - [patch] add disabled `no-unsafe-optional-chaining` rule
  8. - [patch] arthmetic -> arithmetic (#2341)
  9. - [patch] fix spelling of "than" (#2333)
  10. - [patch] add `no-nonoctal-decimal-escape` rule
  11. - [patch] `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`: Add .eslintrc.js to devDeps (#2329)
  12. - [guide] Spread operator => Spread syntax (#2423)
  13. - [guide] add references for eslint rules (#2419)
  14. - [Docs] HTTP => HTTPS (#2489)
  15. - [readme] some updates
  16. - [meta] use `prepublishOnly` script for npm 7+
  17. - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `object.entries`
  18. - [dev deps] update `@babel/runtime`, ``tape`
  19. 14.2.1 / 2020-11-06
  20. ==================
  21. - [base] `no-restricted-globals`: add better messages (#2320)
  22. - [base] add new core eslint rules, set to off
  23. - [deps] update `confusing-browser-globals`, `object.assign`
  24. - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import`, use valid `import/no-cycle` `maxDepth` option (#2250, #2249)
  25. - [dev deps] update `@babel/runtime`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  26. 14.2.0 / 2020-06-10
  27. ==================
  28. - [new] add `eslint` `v7`
  29. - [minor] Disallow multiple empty lines (#2238)
  30. - [minor] Fix typo in no-multiple-empty-lines rule (#2168)
  31. - [patch] Include 'context' exception for `no-param-reassign` (#2230)
  32. - [patch] Allow triple-slash (///) comments (#2197)
  33. - [patch] Disable `prefer-object-spread` for `airbnb-base/legacy` (#2198)
  34. - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `babel-preset-airbnb`, `eslint-find-rules`, `in-publish`, `tape`, `object.entries`
  35. 14.1.0 / 2020-03-12
  36. ==================
  37. - [minor] add new disabled rules, update eslint
  38. - [minor] enable `import/no-useless-path-segments` for commonjs (#2113)
  39. - [fix] `whitespace`: only set erroring rules to "warn"
  40. - Fix indentation with JSX Fragments (#2157)
  41. - [patch] `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`: Support karma config files (#2121)
  42. - [readme] normalize multiline word according to merriam-webster (#2138)
  43. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `object.entries`, `confusing-browser-globals`
  44. - [dev deps] update `@babel/runtime`, `babel-preset-airbnb`, `safe-publish-latest`, `tape`
  45. - [tests] re-enable eslint rule `prefer-destructuring` internally (#2110)
  46. 14.0.0 / 2019-08-09
  47. ==================
  48. - [breaking] `no-self-assign`: enable `props` option
  49. - [breaking] enable `no-useless-catch`
  50. - [breaking] enable `max-classes-per-file`
  51. - [breaking] enable `no-misleading-character-class`
  52. - [breaking] enable `no-async-promise-executor`
  53. - [breaking] enable `prefer-object-spread`
  54. - [breaking] `func-name-matching`: enable `considerPropertyDescriptor` option
  55. - [breaking] `padded-blocks`: enable `allowSingleLineBlocks` option (#1255)
  56. - [breaking] `no-multiple-empty-lines`: Restrict empty lines at beginning of file (#2042)
  57. - [breaking] Set 'strict' to 'never' (#1962)
  58. - [breaking] legacy: Enable 'strict' (#1962)
  59. - [breaking] Simplifies `no-mixed-operators` (#1864)
  60. - [breaking] Require parens for arrow function args (#1863)
  61. - [breaking] add eslint v6, drop eslint v4
  62. - [patch] `camelcase`: enable ignoreDestructuring
  63. - [patch] Add markers to spaced-comment block for Flow types (#1966)
  64. - [patch] Do not prefer destructuring for object assignment expression (#1583)
  65. - [deps] update `confusing-browser-globals`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `tape`, `babel-preset-airbnb`
  66. - [dev deps] update babel-related deps to latest
  67. - [dev deps] update `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  68. - [tests] only run tests in non-lint per-package travis job
  69. - [tests] use `eclint` instead of `editorconfig-tools`
  70. 13.2.0 / 2019-07-01
  71. ==================
  72. - [minor] Enforce dangling underscores in method names (#1907)
  73. - [fix] disable `no-var` in legacy entry point
  74. - [patch] Ignore property modifications of `staticContext` params (#2029)
  75. - [patch] `no-extraneous-dependencies`: Add jest.setup.js to devDeps (#1998)
  76. - [meta] add disabled `prefer-named-capture-group` rule
  77. - [meta] add disabled `no-useless-catch` config
  78. - [deps] Switch to confusing-browser-globals (#1961)
  79. - [deps] update `object.entries`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `tape`
  80. - [docs] correct JavaScript capitalization (#2046)
  81. - [readme] Improve eslint config setup instructions for yarn (#2001)
  82. - [docs] fix docs for whitespace config (#1914, #1871)
  83. 13.1.0 / 2018-08-13
  84. ==================
  85. - [new] add eslint v5 support (#1834)
  86. - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint`, `babel-preset-airbnb`, `safe-publish-latest`, `eslint-find-rules`
  87. - [docs] fix typo in readme (#1855)
  88. - [new] update base ecmaVersion to 2018; remove deprecated experimentalObjectRestSpread option
  89. 13.0.0 / 2018-06-21
  90. ==================
  91. - [breaking] order of import statements is ignored for unassigned imports (#1782)
  92. - [breaking] enable `import/no-cycle`: warn on cyclical dependencies (#1779)
  93. - [breaking] Change import/no-self-import from "off" to "error" (#1770)
  94. - [breaking] Update `object-curly-newline` to match eslint 4.18.0 (#1761)
  95. - [breaking] enable `no-useless-path-segments` (#1743)
  96. - [breaking] Prevent line breaks before and after `=` (#1710)
  97. - [breaking] Add .mjs extension support (#1634)
  98. - [breaking] enable `implicit-arrow-linebreak`
  99. - [breaking] Enables `nonblock-statement-body-position` rule and adds link to guide (#1618)
  100. - [breaking] `no-mixed-operators`: only warn on `**` and `%` mixed with arithmetic operators; removes violation against mixing common math operators. (#1611)
  101. - [breaking] `import/named`: enable
  102. - [breaking] `lines-between-class-members`: set to “always”
  103. - [breaking] `no-else-return`: disallow else-if (#1595)
  104. - [breaking] Enables eslint rule for operator-linebreak
  105. - [new] Adds config entry point with only whitespace rules enabled (#1749, #1751)
  106. - [minor] only allow one newline at the end (#1794)
  107. - [patch] Adjust imports for vue-cli (#1809)
  108. - [patch] Allow devDependencies for `foo_spec.js` naming style (#1732)
  109. - [patch] `function-paren-newline`: change to "consistent"
  110. - [patch] avoid `__mocks__` `no-extraneous-dependencies` check (#1772)
  111. - [patch] Include 'accumulator' exception for `no-param-reassign` (#1768)
  112. - [patch] Set import/extensions to ignorePackages (#1652)
  113. - [patch] properly ignore indentation on jsx
  114. - [patch] `array-callback-return`: enable `allowImplicit` option (#1668)
  115. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  116. - [dev deps] update `babel-preset-airbnb`, `tape`, `eslint-find-rules`
  117. - [meta] add ES2015-2018 in npm package keywords (#1587)
  118. - [meta] Add licenses to sub packages (#1746)
  119. - [docs] add `npx` shortcut (#1694)
  120. - [docs] Use HTTPS for links to ESLint documentation (#1628)
  121. - [tests] ensure all entry points parse
  122. 12.1.0 / 2017-10-16
  123. ==================
  124. - [deps] update `eslint` to `v4.9`
  125. 12.0.2 / 2017-10-05
  126. ==================
  127. - [deps] update `eslint`
  128. 12.0.1 / 2017-09-27
  129. ==================
  130. - [fix] ensure all JSX elements are ignored by `indent` (#1569)
  131. - [deps] update `eslint`
  132. 12.0.0 / 2017-09-02
  133. ==================
  134. - [deps] [breaking] require `eslint` v4
  135. - enable `function-paren-newline`, `for-direction`, `getter-return`, `no-compare-neg-zero`, `semi-style`, `object-curly-newline`, `no-buffer-constructor`, `no-restricted-globals`, `switch-colon-spacing`, `template-tag-spacing`, `prefer-promise-reject-errors`, `prefer-destructuring`
  136. - improve `indent`, `no-multi-spaces`, `no-trailing-spaces`, `no-underscore-dangle`
  137. - [breaking] move `comma-dangle` to Stylistic Issues (#1514)
  138. - [breaking] Rules prohibiting global isNaN, isFinite (#1477)
  139. - [patch] also disallow padding in classes and switches (#1403)
  140. - [patch] support Protractor config files in import/no-extraneous-dependencies (#1543)
  141. 11.3.2 / 2017-08-22
  142. ==================
  143. - [patch] Add jest.config.js to import/no-extraneous-dependencies devDeps (#1522)
  144. - [patch] Improve Gruntfile glob pattern (#1503)
  145. - [deps] update `eslint` v4, `tape`
  146. - [docs] Specify yarn-specific install instructions (#1511)
  147. 11.3.1 / 2017-07-24
  148. ==================
  149. - [fix] `legacy`: remove top-level `ecmaFeatures`
  150. 11.3.0 / 2017-07-23
  151. ==================
  152. - [deps] allow eslint v3 or v4 (#1447)
  153. - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import`
  154. - [minor] Balanced spacing for inline block comments (#1440)
  155. - [minor] `no-return-assign`: strengthen linting against returning assignments
  156. - [patch] Allow jsx extensions for test files (#1427)
  157. - [patch] `no-restricted-globals`: add confusing globals; leave disabled for now (#1420)
  158. - [patch] Support Protractor config files in import/no-extraneous-dependencies (#1456)
  159. - [docs] Remove TODO in prefer-reflect as it's deprecated (#1452)
  160. - [docs] add yarn instructions (#1463, #1464)
  161. 11.2.0 / 2017-05-14
  162. ==================
  163. - [minor] Disallow unused global variables
  164. 11.1.3 / 2017-04-03
  165. ==================
  166. - [patch] add error messages to `no-restricted-syntax` (#1353)
  167. - [deps] update `eslint`
  168. 11.1.2 / 2017-03-25
  169. ==================
  170. - [patch] `no-param-reassign`: add ignorePropertyModificationsFor (#1325)
  171. - [deps] update `eslint`
  172. 11.1.1 / 2017-03-03
  173. ==================
  174. - [deps] update `eslint`
  175. - [patch] enable `ignoreRestSiblings` in `no-unused-vars`
  176. 11.1.0 / 2017-01-08
  177. ==================
  178. - [minor] enable `no-multi-assign`
  179. - [deps] update `eslint`, `babel-preset-airbnb`
  180. - Update a deprecated option (`eqeqeq`) (#1244)
  181. 11.0.1 / 2017-01-08
  182. ==================
  183. - [deps] update `eslint`
  184. - [docs] add note about `install-peerdeps` (#1234)
  185. - [docs] Updated instructions to support non-bash users (#1214)
  186. 11.0.0 / 2016-12-11
  187. ==================
  188. - [breaking] enable `no-await-in-loop`
  189. - [patch] disable `no-duplicate-imports` rule (#1188, #1195, #1054)
  190. - [patch] `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`: add some comments to ignore patterns
  191. - [patch] add `import/no-extraneous-dependencies` ignore patterns for test files (#1174)
  192. - [patch] `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`: added ignore patterns for config files (#1168)
  193. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `tape`
  194. 10.0.1 / 2016-11-07
  195. ==================
  196. - [fix] legacy config should not require `**`
  197. 10.0.0 / 2016-11-06
  198. ==================
  199. - [breaking] prefer `**` over `Math.pow`
  200. - [breaking] `comma-dangle`: require trailing commas for functions
  201. - [breaking] enable `no-useless-return`
  202. - [breaking] tighten up `indent`
  203. - [breaking] tighten up `spaced-comment`
  204. - [breaking] enable `import/no-named-default`
  205. - [patch] loosen `max-len` with `ignoreRegExpLiterals` option
  206. - [patch] loosen `no-extraneous-dependencies` for test files (#959, #1089)
  207. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  208. - [dev deps] update `eslint-find-rules`
  209. - [Tests] on `node` `v7`
  210. 9.0.0 / 2016-10-16
  211. ==================
  212. - [breaking] Add `ForOfStatement` to `no-restricted-syntax` (#1122, #1134)
  213. - [breaking] enable `import/no-webpack-loader-syntax` (#1123)
  214. - [breaking] [deps] update `eslint` to `v3.8.0` (#1132)
  215. - [breaking] [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import` to v2 (#1101)
  216. - [patch] `new-cap`: add immutable.js exceptions
  217. - [docs] ensure latest version of config is installed
  218. - [dev deps] update `babel-preset-airbnb`, `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `tape`, `safe-publish-latest`
  219. 8.0.0 / 2016-09-24
  220. ==================
  221. - [breaking] enable rules: `no-restricted-properties`, `prefer-numeric-literals`, `lines-around-directive`, `import/extensions`, `import/no-absolute-path`, `import/no-dynamic-require`
  222. 7.2.0 / 2016-09-23
  223. ==================
  224. - [new] set `ecmaVersion` to 2017; enable object rest/spread; update `babel-preset-airbnb`
  225. - [patch] fix category of `no-restricted-properties`
  226. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-find-rules`, `safe-publish-latest`
  227. 7.1.0 / 2016-09-11
  228. ==================
  229. - [minor] enable `arrow-parens` rule
  230. 7.0.1 / 2016-09-10
  231. ==================
  232. - [patch] loosen `max-len` by ignoring strings
  233. - [deps] update to `eslint` `v3.5.0`
  234. 7.0.0 / 2016-09-06
  235. ==================
  236. - [breaking] Add no-plusplus in style.js and added explanation in README (#1012)
  237. 6.0.0 / 2016-09-06
  238. ==================
  239. - [breaking] `valid-typeof`: enable `requireStringLiterals` option
  240. - [breaking] enable `class-methods-use-this`
  241. - [breaking] enable `symbol-description`
  242. - [breaking] enable `no-bitwise`
  243. - [breaking] enable `no-tabs`
  244. - [breaking] enable `func-call-spacing`
  245. - [breaking] enable `no-template-curly-in-string`
  246. - [patch] remove redundant `DebuggerStatement` from `no-restricted-syntax` (#1031)
  247. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  248. - Update `ecmaVersion` to `2016`
  249. 5.0.3 / 2016-08-21
  250. ==================
  251. - [fix] correct `import/extensions` list (#1013)
  252. - [refactor] Changed ESLint rule configs to use 'off', 'warn', and 'error' instead of numbers for better readability (#946)
  253. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-react`
  254. 5.0.2 / 2016-08-12
  255. ==================
  256. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  257. - [tests] add `safe-publish-latest` to `prepublish`
  258. 5.0.1 / 2016-07-29
  259. ==================
  260. - [patch] `no-unused-expressions`: flesh out options
  261. - [deps] update `eslint` to `v3.2`, `eslint-plugin-import` to `v1.12`
  262. - [tests] improve prepublish script
  263. 5.0.0 / 2016-07-24
  264. ==================
  265. - [breaking] enable `import/newline-after-import`
  266. - [breaking] enable overlooked rules: `linebreak-style`, `new-parens`, `no-continue`, `no-lonely-if`, `operator-assignment`, `space-unary-ops`, `dot-location`, `no-extra-boolean-cast`, `no-this-before-super`, `require-yield`, `no-path-concat`, `no-label-var`, `no-void`, `constructor-super`, `prefer-spread`, `no-new-require`, `no-undef-init`, `no-unexpected-multiline`
  267. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `babel-tape-runner`; add `babel-preset-airbnb`
  268. - [patch] flesh out defaults: `jsx-quotes`
  269. - [docs] update the peer dep install command to dynamically look up the right version numbers when installing peer deps
  270. - [tests] fix prepublish scripts
  271. 4.0.2 / 2016-07-14
  272. ==================
  273. - [fix] repair accidental comma-dangle change
  274. 4.0.1 / 2016-07-14 (unpublished)
  275. ==================
  276. - [fix] Prevent trailing commas in the legacy config (#950)
  277. - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import`
  278. 4.0.0 / 2016-07-02
  279. ==================
  280. - [breaking] [deps] update `eslint` to v3; drop support for < node 4
  281. - [breaking] enable `rest-spread-spacing` rule
  282. - [breaking] enable `no-mixed-operators` rule
  283. - [breaking] enable `import` rules: `no-named-as-default`, `no-named-as-default-member`, `no-extraneous-dependencies`
  284. - [breaking] enable `object-property-newline` rule
  285. - [breaking] enable `no-prototype-builtins` rule
  286. - [breaking] enable `no-useless-rename` rule
  287. - [breaking] enable `unicode-bom` rule
  288. - [breaking] Enforce proper generator star spacing (#887)
  289. - [breaking] Enable imports/imports-first rule (#882)
  290. - [breaking] re-order rules; put import rules in separate file (#881)
  291. - [patch] `newline-per-chained-call`: bump the limit to 4
  292. - [patch] `object-shorthand`: do not warn when the concise form would have a string literal as a name
  293. - [patch] Loosen `prefer-const` to not warn when the variable is “read” before being assigned to
  294. - [refactor] fix quoting of rule properties (#885)
  295. - [refactor] `quotes`: Use object option form rather than deprecated string form.
  296. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-find-rules`, `tape`
  297. - [tests] Only run `eslint-find-rules` on prepublish, not in tests
  298. 3.0.1 / 2016-05-08
  299. ==================
  300. - [patch] re-disable `no-extra-parens` (#869, #867)
  301. 3.0.0 / 2016-05-07
  302. ==================
  303. - [breaking] enable `import/no-mutable-exports`
  304. - [breaking] enable `no-class-assign` rule, to pair with `no-func-assign`
  305. - [breaking] widen `no-extra-parens` to include everything, except `nestedBinaryExpressions`
  306. - [breaking] Re-enabling `newline-per-chained-call` (#748)
  307. - [minor] enable `import/no-amd`
  308. - [patch] enable `import/no-duplicates`
  309. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-find-rules`
  310. 2.0.0 / 2016-04-29
  311. ==================
  312. - [breaking] enable `no-unsafe-finally` rule
  313. - [semver-minor] enable `no-useless-computed-key` rule
  314. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  315. 1.0.4 / 2016-04-26
  316. ==================
  317. - [deps] update `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`
  318. 1.0.3 / 2016-04-21
  319. ==================
  320. - [patch: loosen rules] Allow empty class/object methods
  321. 1.0.2 / 2016-04-20
  322. ==================
  323. - [patch: loosen rules] Allow `break` (#840)
  324. 1.0.1 / 2016-04-19
  325. ==================
  326. - [patch: loosen rules] Allow `== null` (#542)
  327. 1.0.0 / 2016-04-19
  328. ==================
  329. - Initial commmit; moved content over from `eslint-config-airbnb` package.