- /* eslint-disable no-async-promise-executor */
- const debug = require('debug')('ali-oss:multipart-copy');
- const copy = require('copy-to');
- const proto = exports;
- /**
- * Upload a part copy in a multipart from the source bucket/object
- * used with initMultipartUpload and completeMultipartUpload.
- * @param {String} name copy object name
- * @param {String} uploadId the upload id
- * @param {Number} partNo the part number
- * @param {String} range like 0-102400 part size need to copy
- * @param {Object} sourceData
- * {String} sourceData.sourceKey the source object name
- * {String} sourceData.sourceBucketName the source bucket name
- * @param {Object} options
- */
- /* eslint max-len: [0] */
- proto.uploadPartCopy = async function uploadPartCopy(name, uploadId, partNo, range, sourceData, options = {}) {
- options.headers = options.headers || {};
- const versionId = options.versionId || (options.subres && options.subres.versionId) || null;
- let copySource;
- if (versionId) {
- copySource = `/${sourceData.sourceBucketName}/${encodeURIComponent(sourceData.sourceKey)}?versionId=${versionId}`;
- } else {
- copySource = `/${sourceData.sourceBucketName}/${encodeURIComponent(sourceData.sourceKey)}`;
- }
- options.headers['x-oss-copy-source'] = copySource;
- if (range) {
- options.headers['x-oss-copy-source-range'] = `bytes=${range}`;
- }
- options.subres = {
- partNumber: partNo,
- uploadId
- };
- const params = this._objectRequestParams('PUT', name, options);
- params.mime = options.mime;
- params.successStatuses = [200];
- const result = await this.request(params);
- return {
- name,
- etag: result.res.headers.etag,
- res: result.res
- };
- };
- /**
- * @param {String} name copy object name
- * @param {Object} sourceData
- * {String} sourceData.sourceKey the source object name
- * {String} sourceData.sourceBucketName the source bucket name
- * {Number} sourceData.startOffset data copy start byte offset, e.g: 0
- * {Number} sourceData.endOffset data copy end byte offset, e.g: 102400
- * @param {Object} options
- * {Number} options.partSize
- */
- proto.multipartUploadCopy = async function multipartUploadCopy(name, sourceData, options = {}) {
- this.resetCancelFlag();
- const { versionId = null } = options;
- const metaOpt = {
- versionId
- };
- const objectMeta = await this._getObjectMeta(sourceData.sourceBucketName, sourceData.sourceKey, metaOpt);
- const fileSize = objectMeta.res.headers['content-length'];
- sourceData.startOffset = sourceData.startOffset || 0;
- sourceData.endOffset = sourceData.endOffset || fileSize;
- if (options.checkpoint && options.checkpoint.uploadId) {
- return await this._resumeMultipartCopy(options.checkpoint, sourceData, options);
- }
- const minPartSize = 100 * 1024;
- const copySize = sourceData.endOffset - sourceData.startOffset;
- if (copySize < minPartSize) {
- throw new Error(`copySize must not be smaller than ${minPartSize}`);
- }
- if (options.partSize && options.partSize < minPartSize) {
- throw new Error(`partSize must not be smaller than ${minPartSize}`);
- }
- const init = await this.initMultipartUpload(name, options);
- const { uploadId } = init;
- const partSize = this._getPartSize(copySize, options.partSize);
- const checkpoint = {
- name,
- copySize,
- partSize,
- uploadId,
- doneParts: []
- };
- if (options && options.progress) {
- await options.progress(0, checkpoint, init.res);
- }
- return await this._resumeMultipartCopy(checkpoint, sourceData, options);
- };
- /*
- * Resume multipart copy from checkpoint. The checkpoint will be
- * updated after each successful part copy.
- * @param {Object} checkpoint the checkpoint
- * @param {Object} options
- */
- proto._resumeMultipartCopy = async function _resumeMultipartCopy(checkpoint, sourceData, options) {
- if (this.isCancel()) {
- throw this._makeCancelEvent();
- }
- const { versionId = null } = options;
- const metaOpt = {
- versionId
- };
- const { copySize, partSize, uploadId, doneParts, name } = checkpoint;
- const partOffs = this._divideMultipartCopyParts(copySize, partSize, sourceData.startOffset);
- const numParts = partOffs.length;
- const uploadPartCopyOptions = {
- headers: {}
- };
- if (options.copyheaders) {
- copy(options.copyheaders).to(uploadPartCopyOptions.headers);
- }
- if (versionId) {
- copy(metaOpt).to(uploadPartCopyOptions);
- }
- const uploadPartJob = function uploadPartJob(self, partNo, source) {
- return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- if (!self.isCancel()) {
- const pi = partOffs[partNo - 1];
- const range = `${pi.start}-${pi.end - 1}`;
- let result;
- try {
- result = await self.uploadPartCopy(name, uploadId, partNo, range, source, uploadPartCopyOptions);
- } catch (error) {
- if (error.status === 404) {
- throw self._makeAbortEvent();
- }
- throw error;
- }
- if (!self.isCancel()) {
- debug(`content-range ${result.res.headers['content-range']}`);
- doneParts.push({
- number: partNo,
- etag: result.res.headers.etag
- });
- checkpoint.doneParts = doneParts;
- if (options && options.progress) {
- await options.progress(doneParts.length / numParts, checkpoint, result.res);
- }
- }
- }
- resolve();
- } catch (err) {
- err.partNum = partNo;
- reject(err);
- }
- });
- };
- const all = Array.from(new Array(numParts), (x, i) => i + 1);
- const done = doneParts.map(p => p.number);
- const todo = all.filter(p => done.indexOf(p) < 0);
- const defaultParallel = 5;
- const parallel = options.parallel || defaultParallel;
- if (this.checkBrowserAndVersion('Internet Explorer', '10') || parallel === 1) {
- for (let i = 0; i < todo.length; i++) {
- if (this.isCancel()) {
- throw this._makeCancelEvent();
- }
- /* eslint no-await-in-loop: [0] */
- await uploadPartJob(this, todo[i], sourceData);
- }
- } else {
- // upload in parallel
- const errors = await this._parallelNode(todo, parallel, uploadPartJob, sourceData);
- const abortEvent = errors.find(err => err.name === 'abort');
- if (abortEvent) throw abortEvent;
- if (this.isCancel()) {
- throw this._makeCancelEvent();
- }
- // check errors after all jobs are completed
- if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
- const err = errors[0];
- err.message = `Failed to copy some parts with error: ${err.toString()} part_num: ${err.partNum}`;
- throw err;
- }
- }
- return await this.completeMultipartUpload(name, uploadId, doneParts, options);
- };
- proto._divideMultipartCopyParts = function _divideMultipartCopyParts(fileSize, partSize, startOffset) {
- const numParts = Math.ceil(fileSize / partSize);
- const partOffs = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
- const start = partSize * i + startOffset;
- const end = Math.min(start + partSize, fileSize + startOffset);
- partOffs.push({
- start,
- end
- });
- }
- return partOffs;
- };
- /**
- * Get Object Meta
- * @param {String} bucket bucket name
- * @param {String} name object name
- * @param {Object} options
- */
- proto._getObjectMeta = async function _getObjectMeta(bucket, name, options) {
- const currentBucket = this.getBucket();
- this.setBucket(bucket);
- const data = await this.head(name, options);
- this.setBucket(currentBucket);
- return data;
- };