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3 months ago
  1. /// <reference types="node" />
  2. import type { Readable } from 'stream';
  3. import type { Dirent, FileSystemAdapter } from '@nodelib/fs.scandir';
  4. import { AsyncCallback } from './providers/async';
  5. import Settings, { DeepFilterFunction, EntryFilterFunction, ErrorFilterFunction, Options } from './settings';
  6. import type { Entry } from './types';
  7. declare function walk(directory: string, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
  8. declare function walk(directory: string, optionsOrSettings: Options | Settings, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
  9. declare namespace walk {
  10. function __promisify__(directory: string, optionsOrSettings?: Options | Settings): Promise<Entry[]>;
  11. }
  12. declare function walkSync(directory: string, optionsOrSettings?: Options | Settings): Entry[];
  13. declare function walkStream(directory: string, optionsOrSettings?: Options | Settings): Readable;
  14. export { walk, walkSync, walkStream, Settings, AsyncCallback, Dirent, Entry, FileSystemAdapter, Options, DeepFilterFunction, EntryFilterFunction, ErrorFilterFunction };