- /**
- * @fileoverview The instance of Ajv validator.
- * @author Evgeny Poberezkin
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Requirements
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import Ajv from "ajv";
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helpers
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * Copied from ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json
- * The MIT License (MIT)
- * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Evgeny Poberezkin
- */
- const metaSchema = {
- id: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- description: "Core schema meta-schema",
- definitions: {
- schemaArray: {
- type: "array",
- minItems: 1,
- items: { $ref: "#" }
- },
- positiveInteger: {
- type: "integer",
- minimum: 0
- },
- positiveIntegerDefault0: {
- allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, { default: 0 }]
- },
- simpleTypes: {
- enum: ["array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object", "string"]
- },
- stringArray: {
- type: "array",
- items: { type: "string" },
- minItems: 1,
- uniqueItems: true
- }
- },
- type: "object",
- properties: {
- id: {
- type: "string"
- },
- $schema: {
- type: "string"
- },
- title: {
- type: "string"
- },
- description: {
- type: "string"
- },
- default: { },
- multipleOf: {
- type: "number",
- minimum: 0,
- exclusiveMinimum: true
- },
- maximum: {
- type: "number"
- },
- exclusiveMaximum: {
- type: "boolean",
- default: false
- },
- minimum: {
- type: "number"
- },
- exclusiveMinimum: {
- type: "boolean",
- default: false
- },
- maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" },
- minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" },
- pattern: {
- type: "string",
- format: "regex"
- },
- additionalItems: {
- anyOf: [
- { type: "boolean" },
- { $ref: "#" }
- ],
- default: { }
- },
- items: {
- anyOf: [
- { $ref: "#" },
- { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }
- ],
- default: { }
- },
- maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" },
- minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" },
- uniqueItems: {
- type: "boolean",
- default: false
- },
- maxProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" },
- minProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" },
- required: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringArray" },
- additionalProperties: {
- anyOf: [
- { type: "boolean" },
- { $ref: "#" }
- ],
- default: { }
- },
- definitions: {
- type: "object",
- additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" },
- default: { }
- },
- properties: {
- type: "object",
- additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" },
- default: { }
- },
- patternProperties: {
- type: "object",
- additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" },
- default: { }
- },
- dependencies: {
- type: "object",
- additionalProperties: {
- anyOf: [
- { $ref: "#" },
- { $ref: "#/definitions/stringArray" }
- ]
- }
- },
- enum: {
- type: "array",
- minItems: 1,
- uniqueItems: true
- },
- type: {
- anyOf: [
- { $ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes" },
- {
- type: "array",
- items: { $ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes" },
- minItems: 1,
- uniqueItems: true
- }
- ]
- },
- format: { type: "string" },
- allOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" },
- anyOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" },
- oneOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" },
- not: { $ref: "#" }
- },
- dependencies: {
- exclusiveMaximum: ["maximum"],
- exclusiveMinimum: ["minimum"]
- },
- default: { }
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public Interface
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- export default (additionalOptions = {}) => {
- const ajv = new Ajv({
- meta: false,
- useDefaults: true,
- validateSchema: false,
- missingRefs: "ignore",
- verbose: true,
- schemaId: "auto",
- ...additionalOptions
- });
- ajv.addMetaSchema(metaSchema);
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
- ajv._opts.defaultMeta = metaSchema.id;
- return ajv;
- };