- # PauseStream
- This is a `Stream` that will strictly buffer when paused.
- Connect it to anything you need buffered.
- ``` js
- var ps = require('pause-stream')();
- badlyBehavedStream.pipe(ps.pause())
- aLittleLater(function (err, data) {
- ps.pipe(createAnotherStream(data))
- ps.resume()
- })
- ```
- `PauseStream` will buffer whenever paused.
- it will buffer when yau have called `pause` manually.
- but also when it's downstream `dest.write()===false`.
- it will attempt to drain the buffer when you call resume
- or the downstream emits `'drain'`
- `PauseStream` is tested using [stream-spec](https://github.com/dominictarr/stream-spec)
- and [stream-tester](https://github.com/dominictarr/stream-tester)
- This is now the default case of
- [through](https://github.com/dominictarr/through)
- https://github.com/dominictarr/pause-stream/commit/4a6fe3dc2c11091b1efbfde912e0473719ed9cc0