- get-ready
- =====
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- **Fork from [supershabam/ready](https://github.com/supershabam/ready)**
- NodeJS mixin to add one-time ready event
- ## Purpose
- Events are great. You should use events, but not for signaling ready! Ready implies state, and once you are ready, you stay ready.
- This is a module for everyone who has bound an event handler.on('ready', function() {}) that doesn't execute because you added the handler after the 'ready' event already fired.
- ## Warning
- If you use this mixin, you must have 'ready', '_ready', and '_readyCallbacks' available on your class. Ready will stomp on these variables if you're trying to use them in your class.
- ## Example
- ```javascript
- var ready = require('ready');
- // example class that uses Ready
- function MyClass() {
- this.someProperty = 'some value';
- }
- ready.mixin(MyClass.prototype);
- // Normal class prototype functions
- MyClass.prototype.doSomeWork = function() {};
- // Create a new class that uses ready mixin
- var myClass = new MyClass();
- // Add callback for when myClass is ready
- myClass.ready(function() {
- console.log('I am now ready');
- });
- myClass.doSomeWork();
- // We are now ready, fire callbacks!
- myClass.ready(true);
- // Adding a new callback once we're already ready gets executed immediately
- myClass.ready(function() {
- console.log('I came late to the party, but I will still execute.');
- });
- // Ok, you can set the ready state to false now as well... for whatever reason
- myClass.ready(false);
- myClass.ready(function() {
- console.log('I will not fire until you set ready to true again.');
- });
- ```
- ## License