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3 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
3 months ago
2 months ago
3 months ago
2 months ago
3 months ago
  1. {
  2. "name" : "tenancy-wechat-uniapp",
  3. "appid" : "__UNI__09A45BC",
  4. "description" : "",
  5. "versionName" : "1.0.0",
  6. "versionCode" : "100",
  7. "transformPx" : false,
  8. "app-plus" : {
  9. "usingComponents" : true,
  10. "nvueStyleCompiler" : "uni-app",
  11. "compilerVersion" : 3,
  12. "splashscreen" : {
  13. "alwaysShowBeforeRender" : true,
  14. "waiting" : true,
  15. "autoclose" : true,
  16. "delay" : 0
  17. },
  18. "modules" : {
  19. "Canvas" : "nvue canvas"
  20. },
  21. "distribute" : {
  22. "android" : {
  23. "permissions" : [
  24. "<uses-feature android:name=\"android.hardware.camera\"/>",
  25. "<uses-feature android:name=\"android.hardware.camera.autofocus\"/>",
  26. "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE\"/>",
  27. "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.CAMERA\"/>",
  28. "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.WAKE_LOCK\"/>",
  29. "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE\"/>"
  30. ]
  31. },
  32. "ios" : {
  33. "dSYMs" : false
  34. },
  35. "sdkConfigs" : {
  36. "ad" : {}
  37. },
  38. "icons" : {
  39. "android" : {
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  43. "xxxhdpi" : "unpackage/res/icons/192x192.png"
  44. },
  45. "ios" : {
  46. "appstore" : "unpackage/res/icons/1024x1024.png",
  47. "ipad" : {
  48. "app" : "unpackage/res/icons/76x76.png",
  49. "app@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/152x152.png",
  50. "notification" : "unpackage/res/icons/20x20.png",
  51. "notification@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/40x40.png",
  52. "proapp@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/167x167.png",
  53. "settings" : "unpackage/res/icons/29x29.png",
  54. "settings@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/58x58.png",
  55. "spotlight" : "unpackage/res/icons/40x40.png",
  56. "spotlight@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/80x80.png"
  57. },
  58. "iphone" : {
  59. "app@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/120x120.png",
  60. "app@3x" : "unpackage/res/icons/180x180.png",
  61. "notification@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/40x40.png",
  62. "notification@3x" : "unpackage/res/icons/60x60.png",
  63. "settings@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/58x58.png",
  64. "settings@3x" : "unpackage/res/icons/87x87.png",
  65. "spotlight@2x" : "unpackage/res/icons/80x80.png",
  66. "spotlight@3x" : "unpackage/res/icons/120x120.png"
  67. }
  68. }
  69. },
  70. "splashscreen" : {
  71. "androidStyle" : "common"
  72. }
  73. },
  74. "nvueLaunchMode" : "",
  75. "renderer" : "native"
  76. },
  77. "quickapp" : {},
  78. "mp-weixin" : {
  79. "appid" : "wxecec2f505129f162",
  80. "permission" : {
  81. "scope.userLocation" : {
  82. "desc" : "将获取你的具体位置信息,用于帮助用户浏览所在位置的零活信息"
  83. }
  84. },
  85. "requiredPrivateInfos" : [ "getLocation", "chooseLocation" ],
  86. "setting" : {
  87. "urlCheck" : false,
  88. "es6" : true,
  89. "postcss" : true,
  90. "minified" : true
  91. },
  92. "usingComponents" : true
  93. },
  94. "mp-alipay" : {
  95. "usingComponents" : true
  96. },
  97. "mp-baidu" : {
  98. "usingComponents" : true
  99. },
  100. "mp-toutiao" : {
  101. "usingComponents" : true
  102. },
  103. "uniStatistics" : {
  104. "enable" : false
  105. },
  106. "vueVersion" : "2",
  107. "h5" : {
  108. "router" : {
  109. "mode" : "history"
  110. },
  111. "title" : "tenancy"
  112. },
  113. "plugins" : {
  114. "qqmap" : {
  115. "version" : "1.0.0",
  116. "provider" : "qqmap"
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }