You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
5.2 KiB

<text class="l-icon" :class="[classes, lClass]" :style="[styles, lStyle]" v-if="!isImage && !isIconify && !isSVG" @click="$emit('click')">{{iconCode}}</text>
<image class="l-icon" :class="[classes, lClass]" :style="[styles, lStyle]" v-else-if="(!isSVG && !isIconify) && isImage" :src="iconUrl" @click="$emit('click')"></image>
<l-svg class="l-icon" :class="[classes, lClass]" :style="[styles, lStyle]" :color="color" :src="iconUrl" v-else :web="web" @error="imageError" @load="imageload" @click="$emit('click')"></l-svg>
<script lang="uts" setup>
import { addUnit } from '@/uni_modules/lime-shared/addUnit';
import { IconCollection } from './types';
import { icons } from './icons'
name: 'l-icon'
const name = 'l-icon'
const IconifyURL : string = 'https://api.iconify.design/';
const $iconsHost : string | null = uni.getStorageSync('$limeIconsHost') as string | null
* LimeIcon 图标
* @description ICON集
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=14057
* @property {String} name 图标名称
* @property {String} color 颜色
* @property {String} size 尺寸
* @property {String} prefix 字体图标前缀
* @property {Boolean} inherit 是否继承颜色
* @property {Boolean} web 原生 app(nvue,uvue) 是否使用web渲染
* @event {Function} click 点击事件
const props = defineProps({
name: {
type: String,
default: ''
color: {
type: String,
default: ''
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
size: {
type: Object,
// default: 32
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-ANDROID
size: {
type: [String, Number],
// #ifdef APP-IOS
// default: 32,
// #endif
// #endif
prefix: {
type: String,
default: ''
lClass: {
type: String,
default: ''
// 对安卓IOS无效
inherit: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
web: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
lStyle: {
type: [String, Object, Array],
default: ''
const emits = defineEmits(['click'])
const $iconCollection = inject<IconCollection>('$iconCollection', {has: false, icons: new Map<string, any|null>()} as IconCollection)
const collectionIcon = computed(():string|null => {
return $iconCollection.icons.get(props.name) as string | null
const webviewRef = ref<UniWebViewElement | null>(null)
const hasHost = computed<boolean>(() : boolean => props.name.indexOf('/') != -1)
const isIconify = computed<boolean>(() : boolean => {
return !hasHost.value && props.name.includes(':')
const isImage = computed<boolean>(() : boolean => {
return /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp|webp|tiff?)$/i.test(props.name) || /^data:image\/(jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|tiff);base64,/.test(props.name)
const isSVG = computed<boolean>(():boolean => {
return /\.svg$/i.test(props.name) || props.name.startsWith('data:image/svg+xml') || props.name.startsWith('<svg')
const classes = computed<Map<string, any>>(() : Map<string, any> => {
const cls = new Map<string, any>()
cls.set(`${name}--font`, !isImage.value && !isIconify.value && !isSVG.value)
cls.set(`${name}--image`, isImage.value || isIconify.value || isSVG.value)
cls.set(props.prefix, props.prefix.length > 0)
cls.set(props.lClass, props.lClass.length > 0)
// #ifndef APP-ANDROID || APP-IOS
cls.set(`is-inherit`, (isIconify.value) && (props.color.length > 0 || props.inherit))
// #endif
return cls
const styles = computed<Map<string, any>>(() : Map<string, any> => {
const style = new Map<string, any>();
// #ifdef APP
if (props.color != '' && !isImage.value && !isIconify.value) {
style.set('color', props.color)
const size = addUnit(props.size) ?? ((isImage.value || isIconify.value) ? '32px' : null)
// #endif
// #ifndef APP
style.set('color', props.color)
const size = addUnit(props.size)
// #endif
if (size != null) {
style.set('width', size)
if (isImage.value || isIconify.value || isSVG.value) {
style.set('height', size)
} else {
style.set('fontSize', size)
return style
const iconCode = computed<string>(() : string => {
return icons.value.get(props.name) as string | null ?? ''
const isError = ref(false)
const cacheMap = new Map<string, string>()
const iconUrl = computed(():string => {
const hasIconsHost = $iconsHost != null && $iconsHost != ''
// const hasIconCollection = $iconCollection.has
if(isImage.value) {
return hasHost.value ? props.name : ($iconsHost ?? '') + props.name
} else if(isIconify.value) {
// 防止重绘
if(cacheMap.has(props.name) && !isError.value) {
return cacheMap.get(props.name)!
// 如果存在collectionIcon则使用
// 如果设置的路径加载失败 就使用网络地址 就使用iconify api
const _host = `${hasIconsHost ? $iconsHost : IconifyURL}`
const _icon =collectionIcon.value ?? _host + `${props.name}.svg`.replace(/:/g, '/')
cacheMap.set(props.name, _icon)
return _icon
} else if(isSVG.value) {
return (/\.svg$/i.test(props.name) && $iconsHost != null && !hasHost.value ? $iconsHost : '') + props.name.replace(/'/g, '"')
} else {
return ''
const imageError = () => {
isError.value = true
const imageload = () => {
isError.value = false
<style lang="scss">
@import './index.scss';