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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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  5. <parent>
  6. <artifactId>jeecg-module-system</artifactId>
  7. <groupId>org.jeecgframework.boot</groupId>
  8. <version>3.7.2</version>
  9. </parent>
  10. <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
  11. <artifactId>jeecg-system-start</artifactId>
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  13. <!-- SYSTEM 系统管理模块 -->
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  16. <artifactId>jeecg-system-biz</artifactId>
  17. <version>${jeecgboot.version}</version>
  18. </dependency>
  19. <!-- DEMO 示例模块 -->
  20. <dependency>
  21. <groupId>org.jeecgframework.boot</groupId>
  22. <artifactId>jeecg-module-demo</artifactId>
  23. <version>${jeecgboot.version}</version>
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  25. <!-- 小程序接口模块 -->
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  28. <artifactId>jeecg-module-miniapp</artifactId>
  29. <version>${jeecgboot.version}</version>
  30. </dependency>
  31. <!-- flyway 数据库自动升级 -->
  32. <dependency>
  33. <groupId>org.flywaydb</groupId>
  34. <artifactId>flyway-core</artifactId>
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  52. <!-- <build>-->
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  55. <!-- <plugin>-->
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  57. <!-- <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId>-->
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  93. <!-- </plugins>-->
  94. <!-- </build>-->
  95. </project>