You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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564 B

2 weeks ago
  1. # test directories
  2. __tests__
  3. test
  4. tests
  5. powered-test
  6. # asset directories
  7. docs
  8. doc
  9. website
  10. images
  11. assets
  12. # examples
  13. example
  14. examples
  15. # code coverage directories
  16. coverage
  17. .nyc_output
  18. # build scripts
  19. Makefile
  20. Gulpfile.js
  21. Gruntfile.js
  22. # configs
  23. appveyor.yml
  24. circle.yml
  25. codeship-services.yml
  26. codeship-steps.yml
  27. wercker.yml
  28. .tern-project
  29. .gitattributes
  30. .editorconfig
  31. .*ignore
  32. .eslintrc
  33. .jshintrc
  34. .flowconfig
  35. .documentup.json
  36. .yarn-metadata.json
  37. .travis.yml
  38. # misc
  39. *.md
  40. !istanbul-reports/lib/html/assets
  41. !istanbul-api/node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/assets